
Measure Five: Graduation rates

Undergraduate Six-Year Graduation Rate
Plan Six-Year Graduation Rate - Any Plan Six-Year Graduation Rate - Education Only
Pre-Education: ESL 67% 0%
Pre-Education: Early Childhood 72% 72%
Pre-Education: General 76% 59%
Pre-Education: Special Education 52% 39%
Pre-Education: Secondary Education 83% 83%
Graduate Three-Year Graduation Rate
Plan Three-Year Graduation Rates
Elementary Education M.Ed. 50%
Elementary Education M.S 100%
Literacy Studies M.Ed. 0%
Secondary Education M.Ed. 71%
Special Education M.Ed. 71%

Completion of Internship

An internship is the culminating field experience for the initial teacher preparation programs in the College of Education & Human Development. The number of credits and contact hours for internship exceed what the state requires for licensure.

  • 14-week, full-time internships are required for undergraduate Integrated Elementary Plus Early Childhood and English as a Second Language, undergraduate and graduate Secondary Education, graduate Special Education, and graduate Elementary Education.
  • 18-week, full-time internships are required for undergraduate Integrated Elementary Plus Special Education - two 9-week internships.

Icon of a scroll on blue circle background Interns satisfactorily completing the teaching program course requirements, including internship, are eligible for a Nevada teaching license. During the 2018/2019 academic year, there were 151 student teaching internship completers. These 151 total program completers were eligible for the Nevada teaching license, provided they met the Praxis II testing requirement, if necessary.