
Nevada Adolescent Literacy Network (NALN)

Vision statement

The Nevada Adolescent Literacy Network is a coalition of cross-agency partners building and bridging systems to help adolescents become fully literate individuals who are able to reach their goals.

What is the Nevada Adolescent Literacy Network, and What is the NALN Mission?

What is NALN?

The Nevada Adolescent Literacy Network is a coalition of cross-agency partners building and bridging systems to help adolescents become fully literate individuals who are able to reach their goals.

What is the NALN Mission?

Across initiatives and regions of the state, our efforts will increase reading engagement among adolescents via adolescent-facing initiatives as well as professional learning resources for educators, community members, and families who support adolescents. Specifically, we will improve adolescents’ reading engagement by 25%, as measured by the NAEP survey questionnaire, by 2030.

推荐杏吧原创 NALN

NALN鈥檚 History

In 2020, Dianna Townsend, Ed.D. at the University and Darl Kiernan, Ph.D., then at the Nevada Department of Education, founded NALN with the goal to create a connected community of adults who support teens with literacy and language development and enhance and increase support for Nevada’s teens.

Drs. Townsend and Kiernan convened the original eight-member NALN Steering Committee of educational leaders, expert teachers, teacher educators, and librarians. The Steering Committee was joined by a coaching collaborator from WestEd who provided consulting on how to adopt a continuous improvement approach to identifying, enacting, and measuring goals to support adolescent literacy in Nevada.

NALN鈥檚 Annual Goals

  • Each year, there will be measurable improvement in adolescent reading engagement from individual initiatives as measured by surveys aligned to the NAEP questionnaire, focus groups, and interviews. Initiatives include:
    • Adolescent reading engagement initiatives
    • Adolescent writing initiatives
    • Collection and dissemination of adolescent literacy data
    • Creation of professional learning content and programs
    • Development of community partnerships

NALN鈥檚 Accomplishments

  • Completed a statewide “needs assessment” to understand Nevada’s strengths and challenges in supporting adolescent literacy
  • Developed collaborative relationships with , , and , and fostered new collaborative relationships with additional regional and statewide organizations committed to adolescent literacy.
  • Created two graphic data reports, one on adolescent literacy achievement and on adolescent reading engagement, illustrating the “State of Adolescent Literacy” in Nevada
  • Facilitated statewide professional learning on evidence-based practices for teaching reading comprehension in middle and high school, including a year of monthly webinar workshops with national literacy experts and a year of supporting teams of teachers and literacy leaders in implementing best practices in adolescent literacy instruction
  • Formed Design Teams, which are groups of representative experts, community members, and adolescents from around Nevada, who design and facilitate NALN initiatives. Design teams have been formed to:
    • study issues in adolescent literacy in Nevada
    • identify promising reading engagement activities, including book clubs, currently in use in Nevada
    • develop new initiatives to engage adolescents in reading and writing in Nevada, including a Nevada Adolescent Writing Magazine
    • prepare resources on adolescent literacy for educators and leaders in Nevada, including two graphic data reports
    • create an online clearinghouse of adolescent literacy resources for educators in Nevada, including a draft website and social media presence

NALN Needs Assessment Findings

  • Needs Assessment:Collecting data on the "state" of adolescent literacy in Nevada.
    • Statewide Quantitative Data: Demographics, Achievement Data, Risk Indices, etc. (REL collaboration)
    • Statewide Qualitative Data: Themes Generated from Empathy Interviews with Stakeholders

Themes from statewide data on adolescent literacy achievement

  • Based on , fewer than half of Nevada’s eighth graders read at the proficient level.
  • Based on , 38% of Nevada’s eighth grade students read below the basic level.
  • Prominent racial disparities exist, with the scores of Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaskan Native students suggesting far fewer or lower-quality educational opportunities.

Themes from interviews of educators and leaders around Nevada who support adolescents

  • Teachers need sustained, research-based professional learning opportunities to support adolescent literacy.
  • Adolescents need choice and relevance in their reading and writing activities.
  • Social emotional learning is a critical component of supporting adolescent literacy.

Themes from listening sessions with Nevada鈥檚 adolescents

  • Teens need diversity in approaches to support their literacy habits and purposes – one size does not fit all.
  • Teens wish teachers had more empathy and flexibility for their out-of-school lives.
  • Social media is a “mixed bag”: it offers important opportunities for connection and learning at the same time as it promotes negative content and misinformation.
  • Teens value writing and write for a variety of purposes in their personal lives.

NALN Steering Committee Leadership

NALN Leadership
Dianna Townsend
Dianna Townsend, Ed.D.
Professor of Literacy Studies, NALN President
(775) 682-7866
NALN Leadership
Alicia  Bowman
Alicia Bowman
NALN Steering Committee Collaborator | Improvement Specialist | WestEd, Region 15CC
NALN Leadership
Julie Cooper
Julie Cooper
Treasurer | Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program
NALN Leadership
Melisa Garcia
Melisa Garcia
Secretary | Washoe County Library System Librarian
NALN Leadership
Darl Kiernan
Darl Kiernan, Ph.D.
Vice-President | Former Professional Learning Leader, NNRPDP & Former K-12 ELA Programs Professional, NDE

NALN Steering Committee Members at Large

Holly  Marich
Holly Marich, Ph.D.
Steering Committee Member at Large, Professional Learning Leader, Northeastern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program
Jennese Black
Jennese Black
K-8 ELA Education Programs Professional, NDE
Marcella Ciaramella
Marcella Ciaramella
Steering Committee Member at Large, Middle School ELA/Social Studies Teacher, WCSD
Rachel Knecht
Rachel Knecht, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, English Education, BYU
Mandy Leytham
Mandy Leytham
Steering Committee Member at Large, Education Programs Professional, Read by Grade 3 Team, NDE
Manuel Ortiz
Manuel Ortiz, M.A.
Assistant Director
(775) 784-4237
Jonathan Reynolds
Jonathan Reynolds
Steering Committee Member at Large, Principal at Pershing County High School
Vickie Smith Barrios
Vickie Smith Barrios
Steering Committee Member at Large, Doctoral Student in Literacy Studies, 推荐杏吧原创
Leandra Thompson
Leandra Thompson
Steering Committee Member at Large, High School ELA Teacher, CCSD
Rachel Tillotson
Rachel Tillotson
Steering Committee Member at Large, Education Programs Professional, Secondary ELA and K-12 World Languages, NDE

Past Members of NALN Steering Committee

NALN is extremely grateful to past members of the NALN Steering Committee who helped to build NALN from the ground up.

  • Mariluz Garcia
  • Lisa Johnson
  • Sarah Negrete
  • Shaughn Richardson
  • Marc Rincon


Carnegie Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy. (2010). . New York, NY: Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Guthrie, J. T., Wigfield, A., & You, W. (2012). Instructional contexts for engagement and achievement in reading. In  (pp. 601–634). Springer Science + Business Media.

Agency partners

Nevada Adolescent Literacy Network LogoComprehensive Center Network Nevada Department of Education LogoWashoe County Library System Logo