Component overview
A Profile Listing is a component that collects all profiles that are tagged with selected taxonomy categories. Profile Listings are used on directory and contact pages, and allow the option of filtering or searching the Profiles that are displayed via the listing.
- Profile Listing components can be used on most page schemas: Profile Listing components may be used on Section Fronts, Section Detail and Degree Detail pages.
- Multiple Profile Listings can be placed on one page: Profile Listings are flexible and you may place several on a page (e.g. college leadership listing and a faculty listing).
- Profile Listings may be set to hide images: You can turn off images at the Profile Listing level. This setting applies to all images in that particulary Profile Listing. It will not affect images that display on the Profile page.
- Profile images must meet quality standards: Profile images must be professional in nature (e.g., no iPhone images, selfies, cropped at a restaurant, etc.).
- Profile images must conform to specific sizes: All profile images must be 640x640. Images larger or smaller will not be used.
- Use as many consistent profile images as possible: The University's official profile images include a gray background and are typically taken by the University's Digital Photo Production Specialist, Theresa Danna-Douglas.
- Consider the page schema for your Profile Listing: Profile images size differently based on the page schema. They appear smaller on Profile Detail pages versus Section Fronts because of the navigation elements in the left rail. Think about how your users will interact with the individual profiles on each schema.
- Take advantage of the search and filtering options: Profile Listings allow for users to place a search box or create drop-down filters for individual profiles. These options allow you to manage large profile listings and make it easier to locate a specific profile. Profile filtering is controlled by taxonomy and there is keyword functionality on individual Profile components for custom search options.
- Make sure to filter your profile listings: Under Profile Listing Categories, make sure to select UNR Profile as a filter schema to avoid getting NevadaToday components in your listings.
- Use correct phone number styling: Phone numbers should be listed as (775) 555-555 in Profile components.
- Photo component images must have alt-text: A descriptive alt-text is required to be included with each Profile component.
- Profile Listing filters must be manually approved in Site Improve: Because the filter is a drop-down, Site Improve will flag it for manual review to ensure the list of items is grouped correctly (e.g., alphabetical order, makes sense to all users).
- Beware of your anchor text: Because profile listings display multiple profiles components on the same page, you must ensure that your anchor text on profile listing links is distinct (i.e. "Dr. Spock's Google Scholar profile" and not "Google Scholar profile").
The required size for Profile components is 640x640.
The required size for the background image on Profile components is 1920x1080.
- Example: PROFILELIST: ENG - Faculty
PROFILE: UNIT NAME - Last Name, First Name
- Example: PROFILE: ENG - Doe, Jane
Example Profile Listing components
Profile Listing, no search and filter

Associate Director of Awards and Student Recognition, Office of Undergraduate Fellowships International Education Week Coordinator
she, her, hers

Marketing and Communications Graduate Assistant, Office of Undergraduate Fellowships
she, her, hers

Director of Development, Honors College and 推荐杏吧原创 at Lake Tahoe

Honors Faculty and Lead, Peer Coaching Program, Honors Beyond: The Mentorship Network
she, her, hers

Assistant Director of Marketing, Publicity, and Outreach

Undergraduate Fellowships Support Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Fellowships
she, her, hers

Student Support Specialist for Student Actualization and Engagement Team

Teaching Assistant Professor, Lead; Honors College Pre-College Curriculum Development and Programming

Assistant Director, Office of Undergraduate Fellowships
she, her, hers
Profile Listing, with search and filter options

Professor and Leonard Distinguished Chair in Media Ethics and Writing
He, him

Director of the Center for Advanced Media Studies and Associate Professor of Health Communication

Director of the Hitchcock Project and Associate Professor of Practice in Science Communication

Assistant Professor of Race and Media
Photo credit: Pamela Peters