
2.0 Responsibility and Authority

2.1 Organization Chart

UNR’s Radiation Safety Program consists of the Radiation Safety Committee, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, the Radiation Safety Office, the Authorized User and the Radiation Worker.

2.2 Responsibility and Authority

2.2.1 Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)

The RSC receives its authority from the UNR President through the Vice President for Research and Innovation.


The RSC is appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost and advises him/her on all matters relating to radiation safety. The committee includes the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO); a representative of management; and members who represent broad areas or divisions of UNR which are likely to use radiation sources. The RSO is a permanent member of the RSC and of all of its subcommittees.


The RSC establishes appropriate policies and procedures to ensure control of the procurement and use of radioactive materials and radiation emitting devices.

The RSC oversees UNR’s compliance with all applicable government regulations.

The RSC meets as often as necessary, but no less than quarterly.

The RSC reviews and approves/disapproves new radiation use applications. The committee delegates its authority to the RSO to review and approve/disapprove requests of a routine nature relating to the use of radiation sources.

The RSC may suspend radiation use authorization when necessary.

The RSC may apply conditions and/or restrictions to the proposed radiation use.

The RSC may delegate authority to various persons and subcommittees with specific expertise in areas under their review.

2.2.2 Environmental Health and Safety

The day-to-day operation of the Radiation Safety Program is managed by the Radiation Safety Office which includes the Radiation Safety Officer. The Radiation Safety Office is a component of the Environmental Health and Safety Department. Services provided by EH&S include

  • Approval of radioactive material orders and receipt of radioactive materials
  • Personnel monitoring and dosimetry services
  • Laboratory radiation contamination surveys
  • Training
  • Bioassay
  • Radiation instrument calibration
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Transportation and shipping assistance
  • Emergency assistance
  • Consultation on laboratory design, shielding, and matters related to radiation safety, science or control.

2.2.3 Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

The RSO is responsible for day-to-day management of the Radiation Safety Program.

The RSO is the RSC’s authorized representative regarding radiation safety within the jurisdiction of UNR's radioactive material license.

The RSO, in addition to administering and directing the operations of the Radiation Safety Office, reviews all applications for use of radiation sources.

The RSO is a member of any standing committees, ad hoc committees and sub-committees that are under the RSC’s purview.

The RSO investigates incidents and recommends corrective actions. Reports are provided to the parties involved, to the RSC, to central administration, and when appropriate, to regulatory authorities.

2.2.4 Authorized User (AU)

Authorized Users are faculty or staff members who have been approved to use radioactive materials or radiation emitting devices by the RSC. Authorized Users radiation use must follow the approved procedures and conditions stated in the authorization. Authorized user permits are granted for 5 years based on evaluation of the radiation safety record by the RSO. The user must reapply for the new user permit before the current permit expires.

The AU has the primary responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of anyone using, or affected by the use of, the radiation sources under the AU’s direction or supervision.

The AU ensures that any person acting under his/her supervision is trained in accordance with UNR Policy. He/she must be aware of the radiation hazards associated with the activity of the materials in use and the procedures specified in the project authorization.

The AU ensures that supervised employees and visitors comply with relevant regulations, policies, and procedures.

2.2.5 Radiation Worker

A radiation worker is anyone who uses radioactive materials (RAM) or radiation producing machines and has received radiation safety training and specific radiation use procedures from the AU.

Radiation workers must:

  • Complete Radiation Safety Training according to the requirements of this manual, and attend annual radiation safety refresher courses.
  • Comply with the all applicable regulations, UNR Radiation Safety Manual, and policies and procedures, and conditions in the Radiation Use Authorization (RUA).
  • Be familiar with all the RAM used in the facility, their uses, physical and radiological properties, and safety precautions.
  • Handle RAM and all radiation sources in a responsible manner to maintain occupational radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
  • Secure RAM to prevent unauthorized access. RAM must be under immediate supervision of the radiation worker within the laboratory or be stored locked when not in use.
  • Notify the EH&S of any emergency or incident involving RAM.

3.0 Occupational Dose Limits and Contamination Standards