
13.0 Iodination Procedure I-125 and I-131

  1. Vials or other containers of radioiodine must be opened only in a hood or glove box approved by the RSO.
  2. During iodination all operations must be conducted in an approved hood or glove box. The hood or glove box must be equipped with charcoal filters to prevent significant release of radioiodine to the environment.
  3. Protective clothing must be worn, including a minimum of a laboratory coat, impervious gloves, and safety glasses.
  4. The operator and the work area must be monitored immediately following completion of work. Any contaminated areas must be fully decontaminated immediately. A thin window GM or thin crystal scintillation probe is desirable for such monitoring.
  5. Liquid waste may be stored temporarily in tightly closed containers, preferably in a hood. Solid wastes should be stored in closed plastic bags in an appropriate waste container.

14.0 Instrumentation and Equipment