
Laboratory Assessment Checklist

Revised January 2023

This checklist should be used to conduct annual laboratory self-assessments. Each item below should be marked with a "Yes", "No" or "NA". A section for comments should appear at the end of the document to keep track of any changes or any information regarding items marked with a "No". Contact EH&S for a printable version of this form.

Laboratory Management

  1. Laboratory personnel are familiar with, and know how to access, the chemical hygiene plan, biosafety manual, and radiation safety manual as applicable.
  2. Written SOPs have been developed to cover specific laboratory operations.
  3. Laboratory-specific safety training is provided and documented.
  4. MSDSs and other hazard information are available and personnel know how to access them.
  5. A current inventory of chemical, biological, and radiological hazards is readily available.
  6. An approval or review process is used prior to the introduction of significant new risks to the laboratory.

General Laboratory Safety

  1. Lab emergency contact information is posted at lab entrance.
  2. Warning signs are posted to designate specific hazards.

  1. Aisles are clear and without tripping hazards.
  2. All exists are free and unobstructed.
  3. Appropriate safety eyewear, gloves, lab coats and other personal protective equipment is available and used.

Chemical Labeling and Storage

  1. Chemical containers are labeled with the content identity and hazard warnings.
  2. Chemicals are segregated by major hazard categories and incompatibles are separated.
  3. Peroxide forming chemicals are dated and tested at least annually.
  4. Flammable and combustible liquids storage volumes are minimized and stored in flammable storage cabinets or safety cans.
  5. Compressed gas cylinders are properly secured.
  6. Compressed fuel gases are separated from oxidizing gases.
  7. Flammable and toxic gases are stored in a well ventilated area, with highly toxic gases stored in a ventilated enclosure.

Safety Equipment

  1. An operable eyewash and emergency shower is readily available.
  2. Fire extinguishers are available, unobstructed, and operational.
  3. Chemical fume hoods are available, operational, and annual inspection is current.
  4. Biological safety cabinets are available, operational, and annual inspection is current.

Chemical Waste

  1. Chemical waste containers are labeled and lids are closed.
  2. Chemical waste is segregated by hazard class.
  3. Storage of waste is minimized and full waste containers are not allowed to accumulate.
  4. Biohazardous waste containers display the universal biohazard warning label.
  5. Sharps are collected in puncture-proof, leak proof containers displaying the biohazard warning label.

Electrical Safety

  1. Extension cords are not used as permanent wiring.
  2. Electrical cords are not frayed or damaged.
  3. Electrical cords contain a ground wire (three-prong plug).
  4. High voltages are shielded and adequately marked and labeled.

Emergency Response

  1. Personnel have been trained to properly respond to spill, fire, and other incident scenarios.
  2. Chemical spill cleanup materials are available.
  3. Biological disinfectant and spill cleanup materials are available.
  4. First aid kit is available and appropriately stocked.
  5. Emergency phone numbers are posted by phone.

Partial List of Chemical Incompatibilities