
MS Candidates and Placements

MS Placements

The Department of Economics is proud to present alumni that have taken positions in academia and in the private sector. We wish you continued success.

  • David A Maine, 2014: DxDiscover (medical technology startup)
  • Cameron M Belt, 2015: Uber (Corporate)
  • Benjamin H Claassen, 2016: Joined MS Mathematics program
  • Ethan J Grumstrup, 2016: Acquired on the way to Ph.D. in Economics at UNR
  • Tyler Jensen, 2016: NV Energy
  • Brian A Fogarty, 2018: Communicare Health Centers (Data Analyst)
  • Kevin Jay, 2018: Amount (aka Avant) (Policy Monitoring Analyst)
  • Michael Joel La Rue, 2018: Economist at Nevada Research and Analysis Bureau
  • Kellen Wallace Richards, 2018: Health Management Analyst, State of Arizona
  • Conor J Hargrove, 2019: U.S International Trade Commission