
International Business Student Chapter

IBSC is the student chapter of the  We are open to all majors and students with an interest in international business. The meetings are held every other Tuesday in AB 408A. With a fee of $15 a semester you are provided a lunch at every meeting. During the meetings we discuss new events and have guest speakers talk about many different topics relating to international business. IBSC is a great way to network and to find out about scholarships and internships.

There are several upcoming events and exciting opportunities for students every semester. Over the last few semesters IBSC has gone on company tours where students have been able to experience opportunities that are available after graduation as well as opportunities for internships while you are still going to school. Fundraisers for IBSC included selling items that students have brought back from their travels to other countries. It's a great opportunity to meet with your fellow IB students and faculty members.

For more information you can also contact Dr. Stedham at 682-9162 or ystedham@unr.edu.