
Match Recruitment Instructions

Selecting a Comparison Peer

For all trainees except Family trainees, below is how we are trying to match:

  1. Same discipline
  2. Same gender
  3. Same beginning year in their graduate program or approximate same years of experience in the field
  4. Same race

Here is how it works:

Our first priority is the same discipline (Item # 1) is the most important feature of your comparison peer. If no one in your program in your year of training is also interested in pediatrics/children, then select a same gender peer from another year in your program who is interested in pediatrics and/or children.

Our second priority is gender (Item # 2). If there is no one in your program from your starting year with an interest in pediatrics who is your gender, then go to another starting year in your program.

To summarize: Our top 2 priorities are interest in pediatrics/children and the same gender as you. Where ever feasible, the same starting year in your program; same race as you is preferred.

Matching Procedures for Family Members:

  1. A Parent/Caregiver of a children with special needs/disabilities
  2. Same gender
  3. Same type of disability of the child (physical, intellectual, behavioral)
  4. Similar age of the child with special needs (+/-1 year)

Here is how it works. For a Family Trainee who is a caregiver of a child/children with special needs, first match on type of disability (physical, intellectual, or behavioral) and then match by similar age of the individual with the disability. For example, the Family Trainee is the mother of an 18 y/o with Downs Syndrome, autism, and no major physical problems. This mother would try to find another mother (gender match) of a child with intellectual disability, behavioral challenges, and around 18 years of age. The match is not on the basis of disability, but gender of Family Trainee, domains of functional impairment for their child, and age of the child.

Recruiting Procedure


Use the recruiting script as an example of how you would discuss this with the selected person. If they agree to participate then request they complete the registration form online. The url is http://tinyurl.com/zxop4qk. You should also send their name, email and phone number to George McKinlay in case they do not complete the online form.


The following is the suggested script for use as you seek to recruit a peer match:

I am now a NvLEND trainee and we are all working on a project trying to better understand the impact of NvLEND training on graduating trainees. To understand the impact of the NvLEND training, the NvLEND Data Coordinator needs to ask NvLEND trainees and their matched comparison peers from the program a set of 14 questions (13 are check box and 1 is open ended). You can complete the registration online at http://tinyurl.com/zxop4qk  and I would like to share your name, email and phone number with the Data Coordinator for the NvLEND. The Data Coordinator will give you a telephone call, answer all of your questions, and you can decide if you would like to meet with them to learn more. This conversation will only allow me to release your name, phone number, and email address to the Data Coordinator. Should you register with the study you will be asked to complete a brief survey annually and be eligible for a $10 incentive payment.

As part of the recruitment you  might be asked:

Q. How much time will it take?
A: Participation involves electronic completion of 14 questions (takes less than 10 minutes). You will be able to see a copy of the questionnaire when you meet with study staff.

Q: What happens if I change my mind?
A: Your participation is always voluntary. Even after you consent, you can withdraw with no penalty.

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