
NvLEND Trainee Follow-Up Study

The NvLEND Trainee Follow Up Study extends the existing national LEND trainee evaluation evaluation into an annual survey and adds a matched control group. The goals for the study are; to maintain better contact with the graduates,  and gain a better understanding of the program’s impact.

The standard LEND program evaluation protocol only requires trainees to be surveyed 1,5 and 10 years post completion and does not include a comparison group.

General Information for NvLEND Participants

The NvLEND will contact you twice a year:

  1. October-November to ensure we have up to date contact information. .
  2. February-April for the Trainee Annual Follow Up Survey. .

The NCED will contact you by email (or possibly by telephone or US mail) to provide you with instructions and a link to the survey. If you are not using a shared device and you have secured your device you are welcome to save the login information in your password manager, which will make it easier to complete the survey in subsequent years.

Please note: This is a sample survey page. The contact information and other existing data will already be completed in the actual survey - you will only need to answer the specific survey questions or amend existing contact information that has changed.

Steps to participating in the NvLEND Trainee Follow Up Study

  1. Register as a Study Participant - To register or withdraw at any time please login to the  page.
  2. Recruit to a Match - To become a participant in NvLEND Trainee Follow Up Study you will need to recruit a colleague or similar person. This recruitment process requires a number of steps and is detailed on the Match Recruitment Instructions page.
  3. Keep your Contact Information Updated - Being able to contact you for the incentive payment as well as notifications about changes to the study is important. You will be provided with a link to update your contact information, you can use this link to make any changes necessary and also to withdraw from the study.
  4. Complete the Survey Annually - For the next 10 years you will receive an email notification around March-April with instructions and a link to complete the survey.  If you withdraw from the study you will default back to receiving the standard trainee survey 1, 5 and 10 years post training.

Incentive Payment

An incentive of $10 will be paid for each year's follow up survey that is completed as part of the NvLEND Trainee Follow Up Study. The completion of the regular Trainee program evaluation surveys and the contact update form does not get an incentive payment.

At the moment, the exact mechanism for payment is not yet in place. Payment of the incentive will most likely be via a cheque from the university or an online payment system such as . The NCED will use the current contact information gathered in the survey to affect payment. 

Withdrawing from the Study

Either you, or your recruited match, can withdraw at any time.

  • To withdraw use the and select the response “I withdraw from this Study”.
  • Withdrawal is permanent. You will no longer be eligible for the incentive payment. You can not rejoin the study.
  • However, as a NvLEND Trainee you will still be contacted for the standard trainee program evaluation survey at years 1, 5 and 10 years after training completion. Your recruited match will not be informed of your withdrawal. There is no incentive payment for completion of the standard program evaluation survey.

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