Program eligibility
Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Science have separate eligibility requirements. Learn more about these requirements below.
A student is eligible to participate in a classic Upward Bound program if the following requirements are met:
- From an income-qualified family based on the AND/OR
- A potential first-generation student from a family where neither parent/guardian has a four-year college degree AND
- A U.S. citizen, naturalized, or permanent resident of the U.S. AND
- Between the ages of 13 and 19 years of age AND
- Attends a target high school in Washoe or Lyon Counties in Nevada (see list of eligible schools below)
Target schools in Northern Nevada
Program | School |
Washoe Upward Bound |
Truckee Upward Bound |
Northwest Upward Bound |
Silver Upward Bound Math Science |
A student is eligible to participate in an Upward Bound Math Science program if the following requirements are met:
- From an income-qualified family based on the AND/OR
- A potential first-generation student from a family where neither parent/guardian has a four-year college degree AND
- A U.S. citizen, naturalized, or permanent resident of the U.S. AND
- Between the ages of 13 and 19 years of age AND
- Demonstrate an interest in careers in math and/or science fields AND
- Attends Edward C. Reed High School or Earl Wooster High School