Service-learning courses
The Office of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement partners with faculty and community partners across disciplines to provide support for the development of designated service-learning courses. Our courses are designed for faculty and students to fully engage in service-learning activities that build and sustain meaningful community partnerships. Students can connect course objectives to fulfilling a need within their community, and discover the real world applications of their coursework. OSLCE believes our students can derive substantial benefits from subject matter if they can make connections to personal experiences.
Browse below to view a full list of approved service-learning courses or visit to register for a course in the upcoming semester
ABNR/SCI 415 - Science Partners: Theory, Practice, Learning
Course Description: Students are paired with an elementary school teacher and their class for three hours per week to teach hands-on, inquiry based science. (ABNR 415 and SCI 415 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
ACC 410/610 - Federal Taxation
Course Description: Analysis of the basic framework utilized in measuring and reporting taxable income of individuals and business entities.
BCH 407 - Senior Thesis I (Section 2 Only)
Course Description: Independent laboratory research. Written thesis of the research experience. Limited to biochemistry majors.
CAS 257 - Fundamentals of Behavioral Health
Course Description: An overview of wellness dimensions, peer support specialists' ethics, patient advocacy, and systems of care navigation for the mental health and substance abuse services provider.
CEE 418 - Principles of Water Quality Modeling
Course Description: Development of equations to model reactions, speciation and movement of pollutant in natural waters. Applications of equations to contaminants in streams, lakes, rivers and groundwater
CHS 461/661 - The World's Health
Course Description: Overview of contemporary global public health concerns and their determinants and potential solutions.
CHS 476/676 - AIDS: Psychosocial and Health Care Concerns
Course Description: An understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic from an ecological approach. The individual, interpersonal, organizational, and social/political factors that have shaped this pandemic will be explored.
CHS 494 - Field Studies in Public Health
Course Description: Supervised field experience in health & wellness settings.
CHS 718 - Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
Course Description: This course is designed to advance students' skill and knowledge of qualitative methodologies for addressing public health problems.
CHS 798 - Field Studies in Public Health
Course Description: Supervised field experience in health and wellness settings.
COM 475 - Communication and Community Engagement
Course Description: This is a service-learning class focused on reflection, ethics, civic engagement, community building, and communication in community contexts.
CRJ 498 - Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program
Course Description: Study of a major topic or issue in criminal justice. May be repeated when course content differs.
EDU 202 - Introduction to Teaching (Secondary)
Course Description: Emphasizes the characteristics of effective teachers in contemporary secondary classrooms. Includes field experience.
ENG 400A - Topics in Writing
Course Description: Analysis and writing practice in selected genres and themes.
ENGR 301 - Engineering Communication and Societal Integration
Course Description: Research/apply science & technology in societal context; integrate/synthesize knowledge; communicate orally, written, and visually; must be taken in residence; substitutions/waivers not permitted.
GEOG 314 - Field Methods
Course Description: Introduction to field techniques and methodologies used in geographic research. Emphasis on practical experience and analysis of data. May be repeated once with approval of instructor.
GERO 201 - Topics and Careers in Aging
Course Description: Introduction to skills competencies and knowledge base necessary for pursuing a career in aging.
GERO 431/631 - A Life Course Perspective on Aging and Society
Course Description: Theory, research, and issues in adult development and aging.
GERO 440/640 - Perspectives on Aging
Course Description: Patterns and dynamics of later life focusing on the family and total ecosystem: natural, socio-cultural, economic, political and human-built environments.
HDFS 231 - Practicum with Children and Families
Course Description: Observing and working with children, adults or families in a supervised setting.
HDFS 390 - Youth Mentoring
Course Description: Contemporary issues examined through reading, theoretical grounding and practical experience in a one-to-one mentoring relationship.
HDFS 470 - Pre-professional Internship
Course Description: Supervised field experience with one or more community agencies or family services. Includes seminar.
HIST 310 - Museum Training for Historians
Course Description: Operation and administration of historical museums, including training in archival procedures, publications and related museum management procedures.
HIST 399 - History Department Practicum
Course Description: Practicum providing hands-on experience in the history department and associated programs.
IAFF 350 - International Affairs Internship
Course Description: The International Affairs Internship Program is designed to give interested and qualified students an opportunity to serve as an intern with internationally-focused organizations in the community, outside the region, or while abroad.
MED 661KM.01 - Artist in Residence
Course Description: Sponsored by the Renown Health Foundation in collaboration with UNR Med, this course will provide a unique experience for UNR Med students. Limited reimbursement for production costs is available with prior approval. Completion of the work and final project should culminate in an artistic representation which demonstrates the valuable roles the arts can play in enhancing the healing process and must advocate for the integration of the arts into the environment and delivery of care within healthcare facilities to patients and/or providers.
MICR 276L - Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory
Course Description: Laboratory to accompany MICR 276, will include basic microbiological techniques, experimental design, data collection and analysis.
NUTR 471/671 - Applied Community Nutrition
Course Description: Contribute to the nutritional health of the local community through service learning.
NVTC 401 - Project Based Instruction
Course Description: NVTC 401 provides an investigation of the theory that drives project-based instruction (PBI) and a technological component to support PBI.
NVTC 491 - Apprentice Teaching A
Course Description: NVTC 491, Apprentice Teaching A, provides NevadaTeach students with an initial supervised student teaching experience at the secondary (grades 7-12) level.
NVTC 492 - Apprentice Teaching B
Course Description: Culminating experience for NevadaTeach students in which they put all previous learning into practice by taking full responsibility for teaching classes at the 7th - 12th grade level for a minimum of 14 weeks.
PSC 490F - Internship: Public Service
Course Description: The Public Service Internship Program is designed to give interested and qualified students an opportunity to serve as an intern at public, non-profit, research, or approved private organizations in the community.
PSC 490G - Internship: Congressional
Course Description: The Congressional Internship Program is designed to give students first-hand experience of the inner workings of the United States Congress.
PSC 690F - Internship: Public Service
Course Description: The Public Service Internship Program is designed to give interested and qualified students an opportunity to serve as an intern at public, non-profit, research, or approved private organizations in the community.
SCI 120 - First Year Experience II: Science and Mathematics
Course Description: Exploration of research and career options in the sciences and mathematics. Development of peer, academic, and professional support networks.
SPA 400 - Assessment of Communication Disorders
Course Description: Appraisal and diagnosis of speech and language disorders including infant/toddler, preschool, school-aged, and adult populations.
SPA 421 - Communication Problems of the Aged
Course Description: Aspects of healthy aging and acquired disorders of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing.
SPAN 226 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
Course Description: Intended for students who have a Spanish language background but little or no formal training. Emphasis on writing skills, grammar and vocabulary enrichment.
SPAN 306 - Spanish Composition II
Course Description: Syntax and idiomatic usage. Not intended for heritage or native speakers of Spanish (please enroll in SPAN 307).
SPAN 400 - Service Learning in Spanish
Course Description: Through community-based service learning, introduction to Spanish-speaking communities, issues of interest to local Hispanic community, develops oral proficiency, facilitates student civic engagement.