


Research areas

Faculty in the Neuroscience programs conduct basic and translational research across many areas and work closely with both graduate and undergraduate students addressing fundamental problems in brain science. To find out about the labs and our areas of specialization, visit the faculty profiles.

View all faculty profiles


State-of-the-art research facilities at your fingertips

A wide array of facilities supporting neuroscience research is available through the Center for Integrative Neuroscience. These facilities support tools and technical support research including molecular and cellular analyses, noninvasive imaging of neural activity, and computational analsyses and high-performance computing. Support for future neuroscientists is provided through the MARC program.

Neuroscience Research Cores

  • Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core
  • Computational Modeling and Analysis Core
  • Neuroimaging Core
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Core

MARC Nevada

Maximizing Access to Research Careers, a program designed to help develop a diverse pool of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition them towards completing research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) in biomedical sciences.


Research opportunities for neuroscience majors

Most faculty labs provide research opportunities for students, including opportunity for course credit. Find the lab doing work that interests you, and contact them to see how you can get involved.

A researcher looks at panel of brain scans

Nevada ENDURE Program

The Nevada ENDURE program is designed to enhance representation of students whose backgrounds are underrepresented in doctoral programs in neuroscience. Please see the Nevada ENDURE program website for additional information about eligibility and about the program.

A researcher looks into a microscope while wearing protective equipment and working in a lab.

Nevada INBRE offers two exciting opportunities for undergraduates to have a hands-on laboratory experience in an emerging field of biomedical science such as genomics, proteomics, biological imaging, bioinformatics, or any field of research supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

A researcher swabs a frog while wearing protective equipment while working in a lab.

Biology Undergraduate Research Opportunity

All biology majors, freshman-seniors, can receive academic credit for undergraduate research and several scholarships are available for students participating in BUR programs.

A student gives a research presentation at the front of a conference room.

Research & Innovation

The University's center for undergraduate research information. View opportunities, see samples and learn how to present your research.


The Center for Integrative Neuroscience