Administrative Core
The Adminstrative Core provides support and organizational structure for the research Cores.
- Michael Webster, Director and Principal Investigator
- Leann Kumataka, Program Manager
- Ramona Houmanfar, Assessment
External Advisory Committee
- Geoff Boynton, Psychology, University of Washington
- Branch Coslett, Neurology, University of Pennsylvania
- David Field, Psychology, Cornell University
- Anne Hart, Neuroscience, Brown University
- Mark McCourt, Psychology, North Dakota State University

Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core
The mission of the Cellular and Molecular Imaging (CMI) Core facility of the Integrative Neuroscience COBRE center is to provide infrastructure and resources necessary to perform cellular and molecular imaging of biomolecules as well as media preparation to further research at the 推荐杏吧原创. The Core facility is located on the third floor of the Fleischmann Lifesciences building in the Biology Department of the College of Science.
- Alexander van der Linden, Director
- Andrew Yanez, Core Imaging Specialist

Computational Modeling and Analysis Core
The Computational Modeling and Analysis (CMA) Core provides access to state-of-the-art high-performance computing (HPC), cloud computing (CP), Networking, and advanced analytical software, while providing services to aid investigators in neuroscience and biomedical research to develop more effective data analytics pipelines.
- Alireza Tavakkoli, Director
- Michael Rudd, Core Statistician

Neuroimaging Core
This facility is designed to support training, use, and analysis of a variety of structural and functional neural imaging techniques. The core is located at , which houses a set of workstations and software for neuroimaging analyses, along with neuroimaging systems. The core provides access to fMRI in humans and small animal MRI by partnering with scanning facilities at Renown Hospital, Reno and the University of California, Davis.
- Lars Strother, Director
- Sean O'Neil, Research Manager

Virtual and Augmented Reality Interaction Core
The Virtual & Augmented Reality Interaction Core (VARI) provides state-of-the art virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) hardware to perform neuroscience or social science research at the University.
The VARI core is located in the William N. Pennington Engineering Building. This core also provides VR/AR software development services (and to a limited extent mobile app development) to help University faculty with research that aims to use VR/AR.
- Eelke Folmer, Director