Eligibility for McNair Scholars
Selection will be made on a competitive basis from those applicants who best meet the purposes of the program as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Specifically, 2/3 of the individuals participating in the McNair Program must be low-income and first-generation college students. The remaining 1/3 may be from one of the following underrepresented groups in doctoral study: African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Applicants who best meet the federally mandated guidelines will be selected on the basis of their potential for pursuing doctoral studies and their ability to benefit from the program.
Code of Federal Regulations - Title 34; Subtitle B; Chapter IV; Part 647; Subpart A; § 647.3 (c) (1) (2) (3)
Are you eligible?
Are you from a family where neither parent/guardian has a bachelor's degree and you qualify for financial aid?
Are you:
- American Indian/Alaskan Native?
- Black or African American?
- Hispanic or Latino?
- Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander?
Applicants must also meet the following criteria:
- Have completed 30 credits by the end of the summer 2021 semester.
- Have a 2.9 minimum cumulative GPA.
- Have a strong interest in obtaining a graduate degree in a field that will lead to a career in teaching, research, or administration on a college or university campus. (Programs that lead to law degrees (JD), medical degrees (MD), veterinary degrees (DVM), or pharmacy degrees (Pharm D) are not eligible.)
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. (If you have ever received a Federal Pell Grant through Financial Aid, then you are eligible.)
- Have at least one year remaining before graduation from UNR. (Some exceptions may be made.) Priority consideration will be given to those who have at least one year remaining.
- Be enrolled full time.
- Be enrolled in a formal degree program.
Federal TRIO programs: Annual low-income levels
If you are qualifying based on parent/guardian education and income level, please use the chart below to see if you qualify financially. (If you received a Federal Pell Grant through Financial Aid, then you are eligible. If you have never received a Pell Grant, qualification can be determined by using the chart below. Family taxable income for the preceding year must not exceed 150% of the poverty level. )
Financial Qualifications for TRIO Programs by Size of Family Unit and State