
Jada Okaikoi

McNair Scholar
Jada Okaikoi


  • Major: Biomedical Engineering
  • Faculty Mentor: Dr. Heather Burkin
  • Research Topic: Effects of Fibrin on the Structural Integrity of #D Bioengineered Uterine Myometrial Tissue
  • New Scholar: 2023 Cohort
  • Graduating with a Baccalaureate Degree: 2025


To screen for novel preterm labor treatments, we need a suitable in vitro model such as 3D bioprinted myometrial tissue. The aim of this project is to increase the tensile strength of bioprinted tissue through the addition of fibrin as a key biomaterial. A fibrin precursor will be added to the bioink and then activated with thrombin for varying durations after printing. Then we will correlate the percentage of fibrin deposited into bioprinted tissue to structural integrity. These advances will provide a more accurate model of human uterine myometrium for preterm labor drug screening.