Academic advising
College of Liberal Arts Student Center
Location: Lincoln Hall, Room 314
Telephone: (775) 682-8745
Academic advising is here to support your educational goals while at the University.
College of Liberal Arts Student Center
Location: Lincoln Hall, Room 314
Telephone: (775) 682-8745
Academic advising is here to support your educational goals while at the University.
LiberalArtsFIT is the College of Liberal Arts Freshman Intensive Transition program, a one-credit, rigorous academic program that takes place the week prior to the start of school.
Bilinski Fellowship
Bilinski Educational Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship to be awarded to 推荐杏吧原创 students in the humanities or social sciences for completion of the doctoral dissertation.
Summer courses
With online and in-person options, four different sessions and over 125 courses, the College of Liberal Arts has offerings for everyone.
A degree in the liberal arts provides a number of sought-after skills in today’s workforce. Learn how a liberal arts education can prepare you for future career success.
Join the Student Advisory Board to participate in service projects, represent the student body, address student issues, and support the student experience in the College of Liberal Arts.
The College of Liberal Arts Living Learning Community is a unique residential experience for first-year students with a liberal arts major.