
NPR Next Generation Radio Nevada

Nevada is a one-week, student multimedia training project co-sponsored by NPR, NPR member stations and the Reynolds School of Journalism.

This program is designed to give aspiring journalists an opportunity to work one-on-one with a professional mentor. Each team conceives, reports, edits and produces a character-driven multimedia story. Trainers present sessions in story pitching, audio field recording, photography and videography, scriptwriting and editing, multi-track mixing, voicing and on-air presentation. The overarching goal is to find and train the next generation of journalists for careers in public media.

The Next Generation Radio Nevada NPR program is open to undergraduate and graduate students, including graduating seniors. Participants will earn a $500 stipend.

Applications are open now for the 2022 program. Please click the button below to apply. Applications are due April 18, 2022.