

Become an EMMF user

  • Contact the facility at emmf@unr.edu for information on the following: 
    • Instrument you need to access
    • Name, department and PI information
  • Review the EMMF policies and procedures
  • Complete required University safety training
  • Receive instrument training

Equipment scheduling and cancelation

  • Users must reserve the equipment using the online scheduler prior to using the equipment.
  • Users can only reserve time for themselves; booking on behalf of other users is NOT permitted.
  • If users need the time beyond their reservation, users are required to extend the reservation using the online scheduler.
  • Users are not allowed to use another user's session. If users cannot make their session, they must cancel their session and allow the other users to reserve a session under their name.
  • Cancel your session 24 hours before the start of the reservation to minimize no-shows and allow other users to book and use the equipment during their canceled session.


  • All users must have funding available to cover the fees for use of EMMF facilities, including Thermo Scientific Scios 2 FIB/SEM and FEI Talos F200s S/TEM.
  • Billing closes on the last day of each month.
  • The invoice of each month’s equipment usage will be sent out the first week of the following month.
  • If there is a billing issue, please contact the facility at emmf@unr.edu.

Equipment problems

  • Users are required to report equipment problems immediately to the facility director, emmf@unr.edu.
  • Users should never attempt to repair the equipment themselves.
  • Equipment damages resulting from users’ negligence may be the responsibility of the users’ organization. Repair costs resulting from negligence may be charged to the users’ organization.