Water research on campus buoyed by the center is far-reaching

Rediscovery of the elusive giant salmon carp is a call to action for the protection of the Mekong River and its remarkable biodiversity

Recent research sheds light on how freshwaters are threatened by climate change and impacts to winter

USAID group hosted by ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ attends Lake Tahoe Summit

New research explores the microbial communities that live on plastic waste and how they impact the 2nd most biodiverse river in the world

Scientists and natural resource managers gather to collaborate on environmental policy

Researchers from the Wonders of the Mekong project tagged the fish when it was caught over a year ago

ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ coordinates program assisting hundreds of scientists around the globe

Director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies, Global Water Center and University Professor Sudeep Chandra provides vital insight about why Lake Tahoe’s clarity has improved

Research published in Nature reveals concentrations of microplastics in 38 lakes with plastic debris from textiles frequently identified

College of Science faculty share their world adventures and the impact they are making here in Nevada

Global Water Center researcher pursues conservation solutions that sustain aquatic diversity and human needs

Associate Research Professor Zeb Hogan's work to find, study and protect freshwater megafish featured

International collaborations with the Global Water Center contribute to successful conservation efforts

Brings extensive experience in hydrological sciences to DOE’s review board

Research in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution provides a new explanation for why so many of the extinct marine reptiles died in the same location in central Nevada

Chris Kratt travels to Antarctic to set up temperature sensing devices and retrieve data

International team now tracking the 661-pound giant freshwater stingray's movements to better understand, protect the species and key freshwater habitats

ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ leads study looking at over 500 locations in the U.S.

International effort led by USAID Cooperative Project, Wonders of the Mekong, to launch April 22

The Global Water Center is made up of faculty from all over the University community. Learn about their work to better understand and protect our most precious resource.

Tagging and release of Mekong giant catfish, giant barb and river catfish highlight the immense value of biodiversity and ecosystems in the region

Snowmelt and mountain ecosystems research vital to resource management in times of changing climate

As extended smoke and ash continue to impact the Lake Tahoe Basin, researchers hope to better understand if and how the iconic alpine lake can recover.

ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ part of comprehensive study

ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ Global Water Center researchers studied impacts of six major 2018 wildfires

In 1908, James Church’s interest in snow and the mountains led to the invention of the snow sampler, a device that greatly advanced the development of snow science

ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ conducts international rivers study based on new approaches in science

Census of marine plankton fossils reveals inability to adapt to large shifts in climate

Results of research published in science journal Nature could help freshwater fisheries worldwide

Collaborative study indicates meadows hold promise to help control carbon released into the atmosphere

Public-private partnership project shows favorable results

College of Science’s Zeb Hogan co-author of comprehensive global report

University collaborates with tribe to protect the longest self-sustaining population of trout

The University’s 2020 Outstanding Researcher award recognizes the amazing discoveries, scientific contributions and career of Geoff Blewitt

University researchers design water quantity tool to help with forest-thinning plans

Watch the short documentary Fertile Waters and an episode of Mineral Monday, both official selections in the festival, on May 5 at 7 p.m. at the virtual festival.

Biology professors Zeb Hogan and Sudeep Chandra receive 4 years of funding for their research in Cambodia.

2017 Nevada Regents’ Researcher Award recognizes the contributions of CABNR Foundation Professor John Cushman

Environmental engineer Frank Yang wins awards with environmental contamination work

University’s John Cobourn recognized for work with floods, Lake Tahoe’s clarity and other state water issues

CABNR scientist part of team studying areas with significant snowfall

New University collaboration approved by the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents