

Our tutors, their specific hours, and their skill level can be found on our people page and our .

What we offer

The Math Center offers free mathematics and statistics walk-in tutoring for students enrolled at the 推荐杏吧原创.There is no limit to how many times students can visit the lab during the semester or how long they stay.

Our 40 station computer lab is equipped to help students with traditional questions as well as online homework.

The Math Center also offers review sessions for exams in courses from Math126EE to Math330. Typically these sessions are 90 minutes and are held the day before or the day of the exam. Tutors leading the session go over review material provided by instructors. Students are expected to have gone over the material ahead of time and come in with questions.

At the end of the semester the Math Center holds its popular Final Review Rally. The Rally takes place on the Wednesday before finals (Prep Day) and the Sunday between finals. The Final Review Sessions are two hours long and provide an overview of the course.

Getting the most out of your visit

  • On your first visit to the Math Center let the front desk know; they will get you set up and give you more information.
  • Don't wait until just before the test to get help. Come early. Come often.
  • Sit with others from your course. You will learn better by working together and have a shorter wait time. Tutors can help students faster when people sit together.
  • Come prepared. Tutors will be more effective if you have your text and take good class notes.
  • Every semester students are required to sign our student policies form (listed below) upon their first visit to the Math Center.

Math Center student policies:

Tutors anticipate students who use the Math Center will do the following:

  • Attend class and take notes. If they miss a class they are responsible for getting notes and reviewing the material before coming in.
  • Attempt problems on their own before seeking help.
  • Prepare specific questions regarding their course material.
  • Go over the review materials before Math Center Review Sessions.
  • Try each problem before you ask for help so you can ask a specific question.
  • Bring necessary materials to the Math Center: notes, text, assignments, review sheets, etc.

Students who use the Math Center can expect that tutors will:

  • Be patient and respectful.
  • Listen attentively and carefully to their questions and concerns.
  • Help them become independent problem solvers.
  • Help them identify learning obstacles and develop strategies for addressing them.
  • Encourage them to work independently during the session.
  • Help them learn successful study and test taking strategies.
  • Ask unprepared students to review specific material before returning to help them.

Students who use the Math Center should know that:

  • A student ID is required for every visit to the Math Center. Knowing your NSHE ID is not a substitute.
  • Tutors are required to rotate among students when the lab is busy.
  • Tutors do not have all the answers, as they are also students and not professors.
  • Occasionally, a tutor may ask another tutor to take over if he/she is unable to answer your question.
  • Students may be asked to work in groups if they are working on similar material.
  • No open food or drinks are allowed in the lab.
  • Talking on cell phones is prohibited in the lab. Students are expected to step outside the Math Center to make/accept calls.

(Adapted from Pace University)