

If you’re having your event in the building you have the opportunity to get marketing assistance from the Joe. See below for what marketing assistance you qualify for if your event is in the Joe or is co-sponsored by the Joe.

Internal digital signage

If your event is in the Joe or if it is co-sponsored, you can promote using the various TV screens throughout the Joe. For your graphic to be put up, you must follow the standards below. You can submit your graphic through the JCSU Internal Digital Signage form.


  • Graphic Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • File Type: .jpg
  • Event/Service must be in the Joe Crowley Student Union
  • No spelling errors
  • No copyright images
  • Must have all event information (date, time, location, contact information)

Design tips

  • Font Size: no smaller than 50
  • Use no more than 1 image
  • Keep it simple, it will only be up for 8 seconds at a time

Your graphic must be submitted a minimum of 3 business days before you want it up to ensure it goes up in your desired time frame. Each graphic can be up no more than 2 weeks. 

Exterior digital signage 

University events may be promoted on our campus billboards, including the Virginia Street marquee in front of the Lawlor Events Center and the Gateway digital board on the south side of the Gateway Parking Complex. Find artwork requirements and submit your project request on the Office of Marketing & Communications Digital Marquee page.

Print signage

If your event is in the building or if your event is co-sponsored you are able to utilize print promotions in the building.

Posters in the Joe

  • Size: 21.75 x 27.5 inches
  • Must have all event information (date, time, location, contact information)
  • Event in the Joe: You can provide the Joe with 1-2 posters to put up in the building, based on availability. For questions on availability, contact Lauren Perez, the Coordinator for Programming and Marketing.
  • Co-Sponsored: the JCSU Programming and Marketing Team will print and post 1-2 posters for you in the building based on availability. These must be requested in the . 

Stairwell banners

  • Size: 80 x 42 inches
  • If you would like to reserve a stairwell banner space or learn about the banner space policy, you can contact our Event Management office at 775-682-7402. 

Co-sponsored events only

Lastly, for co-sponsored events only, you have the opportunity for the Joe to promote your event by posting graphics on bulletin boards around campus, sending flyers to the residence halls, and table tents in the 15th Street Food Court. Please request this in the .

Social media

The Joe Crowley Student Union utilizes several social media outlets including , , and . If your event is in the building or co-sponsored, we would be happy to share posts that your groups make to our stories. Please contact our social media team by direct message.