
Faculty and staff opportunities

The University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) and the 推荐杏吧原创 offer the following programs to faculty members interested in helping to internationalize our campus. Don't forget that you can also help promote study abroad to your students by requesting a classroom or event presentation from a USAC staff member.

Summer Visiting Professor Program (Teaching Abroad)

Through a USAC Visiting Professor (VP) program, UNR professors can teach a summer course abroad. This unique opportunity creates connections with foreign colleagues, enhances foreign language acquisition, strengthens and supports international education and study abroad on campus, diversifies course curriculum, and develops international relationships for research and other purposes.

Learn more below about the VP program including requirements, stipend, and more. 

Program details

  • Full-time assistant, associate, or full UNR professors may apply.
    • Faculty under LOA contracts are not eligible to participate in this program.
  • Teach one class during the summer.
  • $6,000 stipend.
    • The stipend is compensation for teaching and may go toward related expenses (i.e. flight, housing, meals, etc.).
    • VPs will make and pay for all their own travel, housing, and personal arrangements. USAC will assist with finding housing.
  • CISI health insurance included.
  • Program locations are already predetermined, and specific course and/or topics are selected.
  • Deadline to apply is April 4, 2025.
    • Selected applicants will be notified by June 1, 2025.

VP requirements

Applicants are required to submit a statement of approval from their department head/chair. A sample template for this statement can be found on the application form.

Selected faculty are required to actively assist in student recruitment on U.S. campuses and beyond. USAC will provide recruitment materials and a workshop on best practices for reaching enrollment.

USAC will announce the VP and course availability via regular USAC communication channels. However, it is incumbent upon VPs to work actively with USAC to reach this goal.

Set courses

Please spread the word to faculty who would be able to teach any of the following courses: 

Open call

USAC welcomes proposals for courses in the following topics (applicants will need to submit a course blurb or a draft syllabus):

Apply for the USAC Visiting Professor Program