
Discover Science, the podcast

Episode list and transcripts

Discover Science: Colby Pellegrino on the water challenges of the Colorado River

Colby Pellegrino podcast

On this episode of Discover Science, hosted by associate professor of political science Elizabeth Koebele, Colby Pellegrino guides listeners through the complicated process of allocating water to millions of people in the hot, dry southwest, and why the city of Las Vegas is a model for water conservation efforts.

Discover Science: Joe Schwarcz on the magic of chemistry

Joe Schwarcz podcast

On this episode of Discover Science, hosted by associate professor of chemistry Brian Frost and chemistry undergraduate student Jesus Diaz Sanchez, Joe Schwarcz speaks about what drew him to chemistry, how he got into magic, how to engage people in scientific topics and how to separate sense from nonsense.

Discover Science: Sarah Hörst on life as we do not know it

Sarah Hörst podcast

Atmospheric chemist and a leading researcher of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, talks with physics and astronomy alum Donna dePolo and astrobiology professor Carlos Marsical.

Discover Science: Andrew Revkin on the state of journalism in the era of climate change

Andrew Revkin podcast

Graduate student Shelby Herbert leads a discussion between the renowned science journalist and professors Sudeep Chandra and Zeb Hogan.

Discover Science: Kizzmekia Corbett on going where you are loved

Collage of podcast hosts and guest headshots

Scientific lead in the development of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine Kizzmekia Corbett discusses the early days of the vaccine's development, the importance of good mentorship, and how to find your place in science.

Discover Science: Harrison Schmitt on going to the Moon

Collage of podcast hosts and guest headshots

Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt discusses his three days on the lunar surface, the exciting geological discoveries that he made as the only true scientist to have set foot on the Moon, and his thoughts on the future of space exploration.

Discover Science: Ken Ono and "The Man Who Knew Infinity"

Images of three podcast participants including Gabriela Gonzalez along with the Discover Science Podcast Series logo.

Renowned number theorist Dr. Ken Ono shares his deep connection to the life and work of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Dr. Ono served as the mathematical consultant and producer of the film "The Man Who Knew Infinity" about Ramanujan's life.

This episode was co-produced with the Reynold's School of Journalism and the Hitchcock Project for Visualizing Science.

Discover Science: COVID-19, thinking back and looking forward

Images of three podcast participants including Gabriela Gonzalez along with the Discover Science Podcast Series logo.

It’s the summer of 2021. The COVID-19 global pandemic has been central to life around the world for almost a year and a half. However, the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be getting brighter. Vaccines are available and social distancing measures have been lifted for vaccinated individuals across the country. However, many remain unvaccinated and new variants of the virus threaten progress made.

In anticipation of the Discover Science Lecture visit from Moderna COVID-19 vaccine developer Kizzmekia Corbett on April 28, 2022, members of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology discuss the COVID-19 vaccine technology, hesitancy, distribution and more.

Discover Science: William F. Tate IV

The podcast participants including William Tate and the Discover Science Podcast logo.

According to Tobler’s first law of geography, “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” On this episode of the Discover Science podcast, Dr. William F. Tate IV sits down with former College of Science Director of Advising, Recruitment and Retention Blane Harding as well as 2020 physics graduate Ohidul Mojumder to illustrates the complex relationship between place, race and STEM attainment and the uneven contours of the education pipeline.

Since recording this podcast, Tate has accepted a position as executive vice president for academic affairs and provost at the University of South Carolina beginning in July 2020. Most recently, Tate served as the Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences and Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education at Washington University in St. Louis. For over a decade, Tate’s research has focused on the development of epidemiological and geospatial models to explain the social determinants of educational attainment as well as health and developmental outcomes. 

Discover Science: Gabriela González

Images of three podcast participants including Gabriela Gonzalez along with the Discover Science Podcast Series logo.

More than 100 years after Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves—ripples in space-time caused by violent cosmic collisions—LIGO team scientists confirmed their existence using large, extremely precise detectors. Listen as LIGO team physicist Dr. Gabriela González speaks with Physics professors Drs. Richard Plotkin and Thomas White about the discovery of gravitational waves, lasers in space and the value of science communication.

Dr. González was born in Córdoba, Argentina, studied physics at the University of Córdoba, and received her Ph.D. from Syracuse University. She is currently a professor of physics and astronomy at Louisiana State University. She has received awards from the American Physical Society, the American Astronomical Society and the National Academy of Sciences.