
Mentor information

Pack Mentors are assigned a group of approximately seven incoming students within the same NevadaFIT boot camp. Packs and Pack Mentors are an important part of the NevadaFIT experience and the intensive transition to the university. The assigned Pack and Mentor will remain the same for the duration of the program. This allows students to build supportive networks and develop a sense of familiarity during the week as they experience the same challenges and celebrate their successes.

Pack mentor expectations

Pack Mentors are crucial to the overall success of NevadaFIT and the individual success of NevadaFIT participants. They are expected to be an academic and social role model, helping guide students through their intensive transition to the University. They are expected to follow mentoring guidelines and instructions of the NevadaFIT Central training as well as their college mentor training. Being a mentor includes being kind and patient to incoming students. Through this role, mentors will serve as a liaison between students, faculty and University staff.

Mentor duties are focused on student success and include the following examples:

  • Facilitate study groups, academic skills workshops and Pack Mentor sessions
  • Help pack members learn to manage stress and balance academic and social obligations
  • Help students take advantage of campus resources and assist with referrals, when necessary (e.g. Academic advisor, Counseling Services)
  • Help Pack members to understand their assignments and syllabi
  • Assist with navigating Canvas and other learning management systems
  • Evaluate Pack members' participation and engagement in NevadaFIT

Pack Mentors are not expected to be tutors, but instead, a resource for NevadaFIT participants to learn how to balance their academic, professional and social obligations, navigate campus resources, build solid time and study habits, and understand academic expectations at the University.

Benefits of becoming a Pack Mentor

Pack Mentors earn a stipend to help pay for their own education. Beyond a stipend, mentors develop leadership skills to create long-lasting relationships with faculty and staff in your academic major,. Spending time as a Pack Mentor has intrinsic benefits and many mentors return each year. Along with enhancing their resume for future employers, Pack Mentors make a significant impact on both NevadaFIT participants and the 推荐杏吧原创 community.

TransferFIT Pack Mentors

TransferFIT Pack Mentors play a crucial role in the TransferFIT program. Like NevadaFIT Pack Mentors, these leaders are assigned a group of approximately ten transfer students to guide them through the week of in-person TransferFIT. TransferFIT Pack Mentors share the same benefits as NevadaFIT Pack Mentors, like developing leadership skills, networking with faculty and peers, and enriching the campus community, all while being paid.

TransferFIT is the first part of ACE 310, a three-credit course that kicks off during NevadaFIT week and then continues through the fall semester. TransferFIT mentors will work directly with their pack during NevadaFIT week only; the position does not continue through the fall semester. All majors are welcome to apply to be a TransferFIT Pack Mentor as long as they have transferred to the university from another higher education institute. Previous TransferFIT experience (as a student or a mentor) is not required.

FIT Central Specialist

The FIT Central Specialist role takes students behind the scenes of the NevadaFIT program. The dedicated team of FIT Central Specialists take on a wide variety of projects throughout the summer and fall semesters to help the NevadaFIT Central office put on a program for over 3,500 new students. Over the summer, FIT Central Specialists will receive specialized trainings in leadership, communication, and technical skills, and are expected to represent NevadaFIT at University recruitment events and will independently complete projects. During NevadaFIT, FIT Central Specialists will be the first smiling faces new students encounter at Check-In and will provide logistical support for the NevadaFIT Central office. Over the fall semester, FIT Central Specialists will become a Pack Mentor for students in TransferFIT and the NevadaFIT makeup course, helping the instructors with light grading, providing student feedback, and acting as a mentor over the length of the courses.

All majors are welcome to apply to be a FIT Central Specialist using the NevadaFIT Pack Mentor Application. There are additional responsibilities for this role compared to other NevadaFIT Mentors. Students cannot be a NevadaFIT Pack Mentor and a FIT Central Specialist in the same year.

DWPI Student Employee

Digital Wolf Pack Initiative (DWPI) Student Employee is another role students can apply for. These students must be available in July and August to help with unboxing, bagging, and distributing DWPI technology. Students can be NevadaFIT mentors and DWPI student employees simultaneously.

NevadaFIT mentor application