Mason Moschetti is the University’s Herz Gold Medal winner

The College of Business grad has earned the highest grade point average with the most letter-graded credits

Mason Moschetti on the university quad.

Mason Moschetti is the University’s Herz Gold Medal winner

The College of Business grad has earned the highest grade point average with the most letter-graded credits

Mason Moschetti on the university quad.

When he started his academic career at the University, Mason Moschetti originally thought computer science was the right major to pursue.

“I originally was a computer science major but found no passion for it,” said Moschetti, who graduated from Reno’s Galena High School in 2020. “A friend of mine recommended an accounting course, and almost immediately, I found the interest I was lacking. I made the switch and the rest is history.”

Moschetti joined a long line of the University’s most distinguished scholars on Saturday during Winter Commencement at Lawlor Events Center when he received the University’s Herz Gold Medal. The Herz Gold Medal is considered the University’s most prestigious undergraduate student award. It is presented at each commencement ceremony to the graduating senior with the highest University grade point average with the most letter-graded credits.

The Herz Gold Medal was first awarded in 1910.

Moschetti, who has lived in Reno all his life, credited his parents for instilling in him a love of the outdoors and all things Northern Nevada.

“Both of my parents work hard at managing a family business in Tahoe City but still dedicated countless hours to giving me childhood experiences outdoors, traveling, and in sports like swimming and track and field,” he said. “When I was old enough, I got to participate in the family business, which would be key for determining which college track I’d pursue.

“After some thought and eventually a switch from the engineering program to the business program, I’ve settled into a professional track that has been fruitful for me.

“I couldn’t have achieved all that I have without the care and support of my family and friends.”

Moschetti graduated from the College of Business with a major in accounting and a minor in risk and insurance. He is also the College of Business’ top graduate, having been named the college’s Fall Senior Scholar a few weeks ago.

He said his experiences in the college have taught him the value of teamwork and collaboration – traits that he plans to carry with him into the business world.

“The most pride I've felt in my college career was being allowed to participate in my peers' success,” he said. “I've forged a lot of great friendships through a strong desire to succeed in our classes. These friends and I would study for hours together, and it felt amazing when we would finish our exams and all pass with high marks. I loved being a part of their team and getting to see them all succeed was a uniquely special experience.”

Even with Saturday’s graduation, Moschetti doesn’t anticipate a lot of down time.

“I plan to take the CPA exams and work for a public accounting firm I interned at last summer,” he said. “I'm looking forward to starting my career in accounting.”

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