Journalism professor elected to board of national association of business journalists

Alan Deutschman joins the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing board of governors.

Man poses inside a classroom.

Deutschman is the Reynolds chair of business journalism and a professor at the Reynolds School of Journalism.

Journalism professor elected to board of national association of business journalists

Alan Deutschman joins the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing board of governors.

Deutschman is the Reynolds chair of business journalism and a professor at the Reynolds School of Journalism.

Man poses inside a classroom.

Deutschman is the Reynolds chair of business journalism and a professor at the Reynolds School of Journalism.

Reuters, CNN Business, Associated Press and the Wall Street Journal are just a few of the national news outlets represented on the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) board of governors. This month, Reynolds chair of business journalism and professor Alan Deutschman was elected to the SABEW board, adding the Reynolds School of Journalism to list.

Deutschman was one of three new members added to the board during the SABEW annual conference on May 18, 2019, in Phoenix. SABEW is the largest national association of business journalists. It supports comprehensive reporting of economic journalism and hosts national conferences and professional trainings for business journalists around the world. The SABEW board of governors consists of 22 members representing news outlets around the country and university business journalism programs.

Several years ago, Deutschman joined SABEW. Being part of the association has allowed him to meet other business journalism professors from around the country while networking with his business journalist colleagues.

"I found that was kind of a good place to find other professors, and it is a way of really staying in touch with professional colleagues and getting to spend time with them and to stay abreast with their latest thinking and the latest developments on the practitioner side as well,” Deutschman said.

During his term on the board, Deutschman hopes to build a stronger connection between university business journalism programs and the network of business journalists around the United States.

“I definitely want to, within the organization, promote its outreach to colleges and universities, using its members as a resource for business journalism education for training students and helping bring really talented students into our particular field.”

In his nine years at the Reynolds School, Deutschman has created courses on business journalism, data journalism and narrative storytelling. He teaches magazine writing and business journalism to undergraduate students and several graduate-level courses. This spring, he launched a content-vertical called that features student reporting about business in the Reno-Tahoe area.

Prior to becoming a Reynolds School professor, he was a journalist, working as the Silicon Valley correspondent for Fortune, a senior writer at Fast Company, the “Profit Motive” columnist for GQ and a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and New York Magazine.

"Alan is an exemplary choice for the SABEW board,” Reynolds School dean Alan Stavitsky said. “His election recognizes both his professional stature nationally as well as his work to establish business journalism as a signature component of the Reynolds School curriculum."

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