Reynolds School Media Watch

Media Watch airs each Friday from 2-3 p.m. as part of 88.7 KUNR Reno Public Radio's "Beyond the Headlines" program

Reynolds School Media Watch

Media Watch airs each Friday from 2-3 p.m. as part of 88.7 KUNR Reno Public Radio's "Beyond the Headlines" program

Fridays bring a new voice to current and possibly controversial media topics, media analysis and criticism. Tune in each week to hear Reynolds School Dean Al Stavitsky provide listeners with an inside look at news coverage and other media issues from 2 to 3 p.m. on .

Stavitsky and co-hosts KUNR journalists discuss local and national media issues to help listeners understand the role of the media in society.  

"Reynolds School Media Watch gives the community a fresh perspective on what media practitioners do and why they do it," said Stavitsky.  "It's an extension of our educational mission."

For example, Stavitsky recently discussed the controversial media release of the Sparks Middle School shooter's name. Other topics have included the Navy yard shooting, NPR's change in leadership and the impact of billionaires buying newspapers and framed these issues from the perspective of both journalists and the public.   

"We're dealing with issues that don't just affect our community, " said Stavitsky.  "Media influence our lives in one way or another and knowing more about media will benefit everyone."

A recent study shows Americans consume almost 12 hours of media information per day, in their free time; therefore it is important for readers, watchers and listeners to understand the information they are consuming. Media Watch aims to educate consumers and improve how we understand media in our communities.

"Media are more than just television and radio news and the morning paper," Stavitsky said. "It's  our phones, computers and tablets. That is why the Media Watch program is so important." 

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