
Nuclear Career Network

Attend these events Nov. 20-22, 2024

Explore careers in the nuclear industry.

Does the nuclear industry apply to me?

Nuclear materials are used for carbon-free electricity generation, national defense, life-saving medical diagnostics and treatments, naval ship propulsion and other advanced applications. Carbon-free wind and solar electrical generation networks may require nuclear power for baseload-continuous generation because the wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine. Advanced nuclear reactors are being developed for passive safety as well as reduced costs and construction times. 

For society to benefit from these important uses, nuclear waste management, non-proliferation, new regulations, siting, cost and other scientific and social challenges must be addressed. Students studying a wide variety of engineering, science, math and non-STEM disciplines are qualified to address these challenges and sought after by companies, national laboratories and government agencies. 

The purpose of the Nuclear Career Network is to connect students to resources that can hlep them learn how their education, background and interest may qualify them for the intellectually challenging and satisfying careers in the industry. 
