The Microbeam Laboratory in the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering offers access to three main types of instrumentation: Electron Probe Microanalyzers (EPMA), Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometry (LA-ICP-MS). Researchers interested in renting equipment must reach out to Joel DesOrmeau, the geosciences lab manager via email at or by phone at (775) 784-6054.
Use of equipment in the Microbeam Laboratory is priced by the hour with differing rates for academic/federal researchers and corporate/private users. Review the table for rates associated with each instrument.
Instrument | Academic/federal rate ($ per hour) | Corporate/private rate ($ per hour) |
JEOL iHP200F Field Emission EPMA | Inquire for rate | Inquire for rate |
JEOL JSM-7100FT Field Emission SEM | Inquire for rate | Inquire for rate |
JEOL JSM 6010LA WSEM | Inquire for rate | Inquire for rate |
Resonetics RESOlution M50 | Inquire for rate | Inquire for rate |
推荐杏吧原创 our instruments
EPMA instrument: JEOL iHP200F Field Emission EPMA
- NSF MRI funded
- Installed in October 2022
- First iHP200F model in North America
Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers (140 mm Rowland circle, 40° takeoff angle):
- Spectrometer 1: TAPL, LDE1L (gas flow detector)
- Spectrometer 2: TAP, PET (gas flow detector)
- Spectrometer 3: PETL, LIFL (sealed Xn detector)
- Spectrometer 4: PETL, LIFL (sealed Xn detector)
- Spectrometer 5: TAPL, LDE6L (gas flow detector)
- Large area diffracting crystals (4 specs.) for increased sensitivity
- Light element capabilities
- LDE1L - C, N, O, F
- LDE6L – B, C, N
- Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (Thermo UltraDry SDD EDS – 123eV)
- Combined WDS-EDS quantitative point analysis capabilities
- 5 WDS input
- Adjustable apeture: small, medium, and large holes control x-ray throughput
- Hyperspectral CL detector (xCLent V Pro)
- Plasma Cleaner (Evactron)
Associated software
- JEOL EPMA software, ProbeForEPMA, ProbeImage, CaclImage, Golden (Grapher/Surfer data visualization), CaclZAF, Phase Map Maker, Map Exporter, Electron Flight Simulator
- Thermo Pathfinder Pinnacle (Compass PCA phase mapping, Bright Phase search)
- xCLent software (xCLent V server and analysis packages)
- PictureSnapApp
- Virtual WDS
- Multiple PCs for offline data reduction with PfE, CalcImage, Surfer, CalcZAF
EPMA applications
In addition to typical EPMA capabilities (quantitative chemical analyses of Be to U; electron imaging (SE/BSE); x-ray semi-quant mapping; EDS semi-quant phase ID):
- Numerous background modeling approaches (PfE)
- Traditional off-peak
- Mean Atomic Number
- Reduces acquisition time by 50%, on-peak measurements only
- Multi-point/shared backgrounds
- Trace element analysis in complex matrices with multiple off-peak intensity measurements
- Versatile sample setup options
- Enable/disable elements for numerous sample setups in one large run
- Combined quantitative WDS-EDS analysis for majors & trace elements
- Quantitative spectral interference correction (PfE)
- Full matrix correction for major & trace elements - high accuracy results
- Time dependent intensity correction (PfE)
- Beam sensitive material correction (glasses, hydrous materials, carbonates)
- Trace element thermometry (PfE)
- Ti-in-Qtz
- Zr-in-Rt
- Methods involve combination of MAN background, aggregating counts, interference corrections, blank correction, and secondary check standards (both natural and synthetic)
- Fully quantitative x-ray mapping (PfE, ProbeImage, CalcImage)
- Performs background, matrix, and interference corrections to each pixel
- Calibrated hyperspectral CL mapping
- Quartz Ti4+ CL maps combined with Ti-in-Qtz analysis method described above
- Fast, large scale BSE mapping
- Bright Phase Search (e.g., full thin section zircon ID and xy coordinates and BSE map)
- Numerous other applications, reach out with specific requests!
SEM instrument 1: JEOL JSM-7100FT Field Emission SEM
- Private donation from the Wilson Family (installed 2015)
- Thermal field emission (Schottky) gun
- Large chamber with rotatable (360º) and tiltable stage (70º)
- Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (Oxford X-Max 50 mm2 SDD EDS – 129eV)
- Electron backscatter diffraction detector (Oxford HKL NordlysMax2 EBSD camera)
- Panchromatic cathodoluminescence detector (Deben Centaurus)
- Retractable backscatter electron detector
- Through-the-lens system (upper and lower secondary and backscatter electron detectors)
- Gentle beam system (high resolution images at low acceleration voltage & beam current)
- Reach out for full specs on the JEOL 7100FT thermal field emission model!
Associated software for 7100 FE-SEM
- JEOL PC-SEM software, SEM Navigator, SEM Supporter (image stitching)
- Oxford AZtec (v3.3), HKL Channel5, Twist (EBSD crystal file generator)
- PictureSnapApp
- Oxford AZtec 50 seat license
SEM instrument 2: JEOL JSM 6010LA WSEM
- Private donation from the Wilson Family-installed 2015
- Portable tungsten filament SEM
- Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (JEOL 10 mm2 EDS)
- Backscatter electron detector
- High and low vacuum operation
- Very accessible to a wide range of users
FE-SEM applications
- High resolution secondary electron imaging (SE)
- Through-the-lens system allows for short working distances (2 mm) for imaging of sub 30 nm features (>100,000x magnification)
- Gentle beam mode allows for high resolution imaging at low kV
- Backscatter electron imaging (BSE)
- Phase identification and estimates, and textural relationship information
- Multiple fields can be stitched for large area mosaic
- Cathodoluminescence imaging (CL)
- Accessory phase growth history (zircon, baddeleyite, xenotime, apatite)
- Ore & sedimentary petrology: Identify quartz/calcite growth in veins or cements
- Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
- Point analyses and high-resolution mapping
- Large area EDS mapping capabilities
- Standards-based quantitative EDS analyses
- Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
- Crystal orientation data allows for:
- phase identification
- shape and crystal preferred orientation (SPO, CPO) analysis
- grainsize piezometry
- misorientation analyses for slip system and dislocation characterization
- crystallographic vorticity axis (CVA) determination
- EBSD research performed in the Mackay Microbeam Lab to date:
- Kinematics of deformation in faults and shear zones
- Rheology of rocks at the brittle-ductile transition
- Deformation of accessory phases and associated element mobility trends
- Diffusion anisotropy to better constrain timescales of magmatic processes
- Testing pluton emplacement via grain shape, size, and assemblages
- Numerous other applications, reach out to Joel DesOrmeau via email with specific requests
- Crystal orientation data allows for:
LA-ICP-MS instrument: Resonetics RESOlution M50 (laser ablation system)
- ATL 193nm excimer laser
- Resonetics RESOlution M50 two-volume cell
- Agilent 7700x quadrupole ICP-MS
- Enhanced sensitivity
- Addition of ultrahigh purity N2 to carrier gas mixture
- Dual rotary pump setup (Edwards E2M18 pumps)
- Enhanced sensitivity
Associated software
- Geostar (v10.12)
- MassHunter (v4.5)
- Iolite (v4)
- ET_Redux
LA-ICP-MS applications
- Trace element analyses of in situ phases
- Garnet, pyroxene, olivine, amphibole, plagioclase, mica, glass
- Zircon, apatite, rutile, titanite
- “3D Trace Element” routine (Iolite v4) greatly improves precision by use of multiple standard reference materials applied to analyses vs. a single standard
- “Sum-normalization” quantitative trace element method (Iolite v4) does not require an internal standard value to be known
- Numerous USGS, NIST, and MPI-DING glasses available for standardization
- U-Pb zircon geochronology
- Quadrupole U-Pb zircon dating for studies not requiring high resolution
- Great tool for screening zircon for inheritance
- Zircon reference materials: 91500 (1062 Ma, Wiedenbeck et al., 1995), Plešovice (337 Ma, Sláma et al., 2008), Temora2 (417 Ma, Black et al., 2004), and GHR1 (48 Ma, Eddy et al., 2020)