Borrowing artwork
Faculty and staff interested in borrowing artwork can view available pieces by . Availability is subject to exhibition and loan schedules. Loans are approved at the discretion of the museum director.
If you are interested in an artwork for loan, please contact Justin Manfredi, Lilley Museum of Art Preparator at jmanfred@unr.edu.

How much does it cost?
An administrative cost-recovery fee of $75/object will be charged to each borrower. Borrowers may wish to pay for this service out-of-pocket, however, all financial transactions be processed through a departmental account.

Where can artwork go?
To ensure the safety of our artworks, The Lilley requires that loan locations be attended when open and locked when not occupied. Security arrangements will be made for public locations. Art cannot be hung near heating or air conditioning units, or in direct sunlight. Proper site conditions are determined by Lilley Museum of Art staff, and the museum reserves the right to deny a Borrower’s request if locations are not deemed safe for installation. Artworks are not allowed to leave campus.
Have questions?
Please contact:
Justin Manfredi
Preparator, John and Geraldine Lilley Museum of Art
(775) 784-6658