Including revisions and amendments: 2005; December 4, 2006; October 29, 2007; November 24, 2008; November 23, 2009; August 15, 2011; September 25, 2011; December 20, 2011; August 2012; May 11, 2014; November 30, 2014; February 16, 2016; February 12, 2018; March 12, 2018; April 9, 2018; April 23, 2018; October 15, 2018
Section A: Fiscal year and contracts
- Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the University of Nevada IFC shall be from July 1 to June 30.
- Contracts: The signatures of the Interfraternity President or the Director of Administration shall be required to bind the University of Nevada Interfraternity The IFC Advisor’s signature may be required in addition to the President and Director of Administration. The council will follow the rules, regulations, and procedures of the University of Nevada and the NSHE.
Section B: Checks, Payment, and Fines
- Checks: All checks issued on behalf of the University of Nevada Interfraternity Council shall be approved by the President and Director of
- Payments: All payments due to the University of Nevada Interfraternity Council shall be given to the Director of Administration, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the Board of
- Fines: Amount and
- A fine in the amount of $0.50/chapter member will be instituted for every IFC meeting where a recognized chapter does not have adequate representation that has not been excused by the IFC President. This amount will increase by $0.50 increments for each meeting missed without an excused absence.
- The Director of Administration will prepare an invoice to bill the chapter with lacking representation.
Section C: Membership dues and Roster Procedures
- Membership Dues: Amount and Times of Payment
- The dues of each IFC member fraternity shall be an assessment of ten dollars ($20.00) per member and fifteen dollars ($20.00) per pledge/new member/associate/etc each semester within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the semester. Continuous Open Bid (COB) members will pay dues upon being approved.
- Sunset Clause: at the end of the Fall 2018 semester, the dues of each IFC member fraternity shall change back to ten dollars ($10.00) per member and fifteen dollars ($15.00) per pledge/new member/associate/etc.
- Time of Payment. The dues of each IFC member fraternity shall be made payable on or before March 1 for the spring semester and October 1 for the fall semester. The IFC will determine the bills annually. The Director of Administration will prepare an invoice for each chapter's membership dues no later than one week before the respective due
- The dues of each IFC member fraternity shall be an assessment of ten dollars ($20.00) per member and fifteen dollars ($20.00) per pledge/new member/associate/etc each semester within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the semester. Continuous Open Bid (COB) members will pay dues upon being approved.
- Academic Incentive Program
- The IFC member fraternity with the highest semesterly GPA will receive a single $200 donation to a philanthropy or nonprofit organization of their choice from the IFC Executive Council.
- Roster Procedures: Updates and Statistics
- The Director of Administration shall give each chapter president the opportunity to update their respective official roster with the IFC Advisor at the first meeting of each semester. Updates will be due by the second meeting of each semester. Final fall and spring rosters will be due to the Director of Administration and the IFC Advisor by December 1 and May 1, respectively.
- The Director of Administration shall distribute grade rankings of the fraternities by the second meeting of each semester.
Section D: Scholarships
- Coleman Christensen IFC Memorial Scholarship: At the beginning of the Each Semester, the IFC will offer an award to one fraternity member a scholarship of one hundred dollars ($100) to be used for fraternity dues local or national. The top five (5) candidates, as selected by the IFC Executive Council, will be interviewed for the selection process. The recipient shall be chosen by the IFC Executive Council within three (3) weeks of the application deadline. The requirements, which shall reflect in the application form, include but are not limited to the following:
- Academic excellence.
- Accepted membership in an IFC member
- Involvement in extracurricular
- Letter of recommendation from an executive board member of the chapter that details why they’re a valuable member of the
- Applicants for the scholarship shall fill out the “Coleman Christensen IFC Memorial Scholarship” in accordance with the directions provided with the scholarship.
Section A: Election of officers
- Applicants for positions of the IFC Executive Council shall fill out the ‘Interfraternity Council Election Application’ in accordance with the directions provided with the application.
- Each eligible applicant shall be allotted a block of two minutes at the meeting prior to Thanksgiving Break to outline the platform for the position(s) he is running
Section A: Officers
The elected officers of the IFC shall be:
President, Vice President, Director of Administration, Director of Recruitment, Director of Recruitment and Marketing, and Director of Member Development and Programming. This order represents the chain of command of IFC officers, respectively.
Section B: Terms
The term of office for the IFC officers shall be one year with elections being held the meeting before Thanksgiving Break. The IFC officers shall assume their office at the final regular meeting of the Fall Semester.
Section C: Vacancies of Office
Should any office become vacant, the President shall nominate a replacement officer for the duration of the term, subject to approval by the IFC, and overridden with a two-thirds (â…”) vote of the council. The newly elected officer shall preside for the remainder of the term.
Section D: Qualifications of the Officers
- Shall be an active member in good standing of an IFC-recognized fraternity at the University of Nevada.
- Shall have completed at least one semester of academia and one-semester membership in your chapter at the University of Nevada.
- The officers will have and maintain a semesterly GPA minimum of the all-campus men’s average. If the officer does not meet the minimum semester GPA requirement, a cumulative GPA above the all-campus men’s average may be considered. The officer shall maintain full-time status as defined by the University Relationship Agreement.
- Shall not be president of his fraternity while holding his IFC office.
Section E: Duties of the President
The President Shall:
- Preside over all regular and special meetings.
- Provide and ensure adequate leadership development for the IFC.
- Shall attend a weekly meeting with the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
- Shall attend a weekly meeting with the MGC and PHC Presidents.
- Have the authority to appoint all ad-hoc committee chairmen with the approval of the Executive Council.
- Have the authority to appoint vacant positions with the approval of the IFC.
- Be empowered to call special meetings at his discretion.
- Be empowered to authorize routine administrative expenditures of the IFC less than $500. Expenditures above $500 must be approved by the membership of the IFC.
- Be the official representative for the IFC at all events or business meetings.
- Vote only to break a tie at the IFC meetings.
- Establish temporary committees at his discretion and appoint their chairman.
- Serve as chairman of the Executive Council.
- Coordinate All Greek Ball Awards (criteria, selection, and presentation) with the Panhellenic and MGC Presidents.
- Coordinate weekly Executive Board meetings.
- May attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference.
Section F: Duties of the Vice President
The Vice President Shall:
- Perform all duties of the President in his absence.
- Preside over the Fraternity Judicial Board (FJB).
- Will act as the judiciary in all IFC affairs.
- With the assistance of the President and Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, organize an IFC officer retreat before the spring and fall semesters begin.
- Attend meetings for both the Panhellenic and Multicultural Greek Councils as the IFC representative as needed.
- Ensure that any information involving IFC publications or press coverage is being communicated to the IFC.
- Coordinate and oversee all officers committees.
- Perform all duties assigned by the President.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Council.
- May attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference.
Section G: Duties of the Director of Administration
The Director of Administration Shall:
- Maintain organizational records and official minutes of the meetings including financial records.
- Prepare a semesterly budget with the approval of the IFC, which shall be submitted at the first regular meeting in the fall and spring semesters.
- Prepare accurate monthly financial reports of cash receipts and disbursements.
- Collect dues and assessments from member fraternities and deposit them with the appropriate personnel.
- Work closely with the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life to ensure that roster procedure outlined in Article 1: Section 3 is executed.
- Prepare invoices for the collection of dues and/or fines.
- Update the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life on membership of the IFC list server.
- Work with the Panhellenic and Multicultural Greek Councils to update the comprehensive Greek calendar and IFC calendar as well as update the Greek Life website.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Council.
- Report the actions of the Executive Council to the IFC.
- May attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference.
Section H: Duties of the Director of Recruitment and Marketing
The Director of Recruitment Shall:
- Coordinate all recruitment efforts of the fraternities.
- Serve as chairman of the Recruitment committee.
- Plan and conduct the formal recruitment program each fall and spring semester of his term with the Recruitment committee.
- Ensure that any roster additions besides fall and spring bid lists are reported to him, and he promptly reports these additions to the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
- Coordinate Recruitment training and development.
- Prepare all recruitment media for the IFC.
- Reside in Reno for the summer to assist in recruitment efforts with new student orientation and plan and coordinate the fall recruitment weeks.
- Communicate to the IFC via e-mail or phone calls any special information involving Director of Public Relations.
- Create an infographic detailing the council’s involvement on campus and in the community.
- May attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference.
Section I: Duties of the Director of Member Development and Programming
The Director of Member Development and Programming:
- Communicate with the Vice President about all work being done in regards to enforcing academic regulations.
- Communicate to the IFC via e-mail or phone calls any special information involving academics.
- Work with MGC and PHC councils to host a professional development event each semester.
- Work with the Panhellenic and Multicultural Greek Councils to coordinate and act as the IFC liaison of Greek Week and any other collaborative council events.
- Assist IFC member organizations with their events when needed and distribute information of events to the IFC and member organizations monthly.
- Communicate all Philanthropic endeavors with the Executive Board and Council.
- Report to the Council on all campus philanthropy and service opportunities and any other pertinent information that may be useful to the IFC member fraternities.
- Track and maintain each chapter’s required amount of community service hours.
- Plan a graduation celebration every spring.
- May attend Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Conference.
Section A: Construction of the Executive Council
The Executive Council shall consist of all elected officers of the IFC.
Section B: Duties of the Executive Council:
- Enforce the rules, policies, constitution, and bylaws of the IFC and the University of Nevada.
- Appoint all standing ad-hoc committees and their chairmen and, in making these appointments, recognize representation from all member fraternities.
- Administer routine business between meetings of the IFC when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by IFC vote.
- Report all action taken by the Executive Council at the next regular meeting of the IFC through the Director of Administration.
- Meet at least weekly, during the semester, to plan and coordinate the leadership of the Council. Meet at least monthly, during the summer.
- Be given authority to govern decisions on behalf of the IFC when IFC is not in session.
Section A: IFC Standing Boards and Committees
- Recruitment Committee. Chaired by Recruitment Coordinator, includes Recruitment Chairmen from each IFC chapter, or an appropriate representative.
- Events Committee. Chaired by Director of Member Development and Programming, includes chapter President- appointed delegates.
Section B: Rules and Regulation for all Standing Boards and Committees
- Must report to IFC Vice President after meetings.
- Meet every two weeks.
- Deliver an agenda and minutes to the IFC Executive Council after committee meetings.
- Have mandatory attendance for all committee members.
- Fines for inadequate attendance at committee meetings will be set by the Director of Administration with approval by the Executive Council at the start of the semester.
Section A: Recruitment Policies
Rules and policies concerning recruitment can be found in each semester’s formal Recruitment Packet.
Section A: IFC Standard GPA Requirement
The Standard GPA Requirement for each recognized chapter of Nevada IFC shall be defined as being above the all-campus men’s average semesterly GPA.
Section B: Academic Plan of Action
- The following sanctions will be enforced by the IFC to chapters that do not meet the IFC standard GPA requirement. Following the first semester, the second and third-semester clauses will apply to chapters that do not meet the minimum GPA for that number of consecutive semesters without a show of improvement (improvement is defined as greater than or equal to 0.1 Grade Point improvement).
- First Semester
- Mandatory meeting at the beginning of the semester between the IFC Advisor, the President and Academic Chair of the chapter, and the President, Vice President, and Director of Member Development and Programming.
- This academic program must be tangible and the chapter must provide proof to the Director of Member Development and Programming that it is being maintained effectively.
- If the chapter does not show substantial proof, as determined by the President, Vice President, and Director of Member Development and Programming, that the chapter is maintaining an effective academic program, the Director of Member Development and Programming will have the power to file a formal complaint with the FJB; wherein proper action will be taken.
- A letter will be sent to the chapter, advisor, and their respective national organization, notifying all that the chapter failed to meet the IFC Standard GPA Requirement.
- Second Semester
- Mandatory meeting at the beginning and midway through the semester between the IFC Advisor, the President and Academic Chair of the chapter, and the President and Vice President, and Director of Member Development and Programming to discuss further academic solutions and loss of participation in intramural sports
- The chapter will attend a mandatory hearing with the FJB.
- Each person in the chapter that is below the IFC Standard GPA Requirement must attend one of two study sessions provided by the IFC.
- Sessions will be two hours in length and will be monitored by and Director of Member Development and Programming and the chapter’s Academic Chair.
- If a person is not able to attend they must provide proof of studying time to their chapter’s Academic Chair.
- It will be the responsibility of the chapter’s Academic Chair to provide this proof to the Director of Member Development and Programming wherein he will decide if it is sufficient.
- The chapter will be fined $5 for every member who does not fulfill 1 mandatory study session.
- Letter sent to the chapter, advisor, and respective national organization, notifying all that the chapter failed to meet the IFC Standard GPA Requirement and risks further repercussions if grades do not improve.
- Third Semester
- Mandatory quarterly meetings between the IFC Advisor, the President and Academic Chair of the chapter, and the President and Vice President, and Director of Member Development and Programming.
- The chapter will attend a mandatory hearing with the FJB.
- Loss of participation in intramural sports.
- Each person in the chapter that is below the IFC Standard GPA Requirement must attend bi-weekly study sessions set up by the chapter’s Academic Chair. The Director of Member Development and Programming shall be responsible for monitoring the study sessions and assuring attendance records are being taken.
- If the and Director of Member Development and Programming cannot attend the study session to monitor, another IFC officer shall temporarily take his place.
- If members below the IFC Standard GPA Requirement consistently miss study sessions, the Director of Member Development and Programming will have the power to file a formal complaint with the FJB; wherein proper action will be taken.
- Letter sent to the chapter, advisor, and respective national organization, notifying all that the chapter failed to meet the IFC Standard GPA Requirement and risks further repercussions if grades do not improve.
- First Semester
Section C: Recruitment Standards
For a new candidate to be recognized as a potential member of any chapter, that candidate must have a:
- High School cumulative GPA of 2.75.
- Transfer College cumulative GPA of 2.75.
- Current cumulative University of Nevada GPA of 2.75.
Section A: Jurisdiction of the Interfraternity Council
All fraternities shall abide by provisions of federal, state, local, and university laws and by all existing University regulations governing social functions and conduct.
Section B: Violations of IFC
In any instance that a fraternity violates subsection 1 of Article VII, Jurisdiction of the Interfraternity Council, the fraternity will be sent to the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board.
Section A: Initial Expansion by IFC
The IFC may vote to expand at any time.
Section B: Petitioning and Presentation of Desired Colony for Provisional Status
- Provisional Status affords a chapter/colony all rights and privileges of a full chapter except the ability to vote and run for
- The fraternity, local or national, shall petition in writing a Letter of Intent to the President of IFC their desire to become a colony at the University of Nevada. In which the expansion organization should include the following:
- The rationale for adding another fraternity
- What the IFC is looking to gain by adding another fraternity
- How the IFC community will support the new organization
- A week prior to the IFC’s vote regarding expansion, the petitioning colony shall make a presentation to the IFC indicating their:
- Past history
- Intention and goals
- Chartering timeline
- How expansion will benefit Fraternity & Sorority Life
- A vote by secret ballot will be taken by the IFC for consideration of Provisional Status.
- Provisional Status is for one calendar year with an extension of one additional year by IFC Executive Board Approval.
- Provisional Chapters will pay the new member dues rate for all members
Section C: Full New Chapter Status
- Full status as a fraternity will result when the colony has been issued a charter from its inter/national office or been reviewed by the Council after a one-year period and is on track to be issued a charter, having maintained the inter/national, University, met these and IFC requirements.
- The fraternity seeking admittance to the IFC must fulfill the following requirements:
- Be chartered by their inter/national organization or receive approval from the Council following a one-year period
- Hold one recruitment period
- Have the required IFC member GPA
- Host at least one philanthropy event
- Record a minimum average of 10 community service hours per person as a chapter
- A mandatory meeting between the colony/chapter president and the IFC president must occur prior to the application for expansion. During this meeting, the following topics must be discussed
- Scholarship plan
- Recruitment
- University Recognition
- Philanthropy/Community Service
- Risk Management Plan
- University Involvement
- Submission of Letter of Recommendation from the Fraternity and Sorority Life Advisor to the IFC President
Section A: Bylaw Amendments
- Amendments to the Bylaws shall be presented in writing to the IFC at a regular or special meeting by representatives of the IFC, the Executive Council, or the FJB. Voting on the proposed amendment shall be deferred until the next regular meeting of the IFC.
- For a bylaw to be passed into effect, it must receive at least a two-thirds (â…”) quorum vote of approval.