
Jane Detweiler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, English
Jane Detweiler


Jane Detweiler serves as director of the Writing and Speaking Initiative for the 推荐杏吧原创 after having served as associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts from 2013 to 2020. She also is an associate professor of English, with a specialization in rhetoric and composition, and has in the past served as the director of the Core Writing Program.

She has pursued a variety of inquiries into writing in academic, professional and public fora, with special emphases on narrative as a mode of understanding the world and a means of inventing, composing and delivering arguments. She has published in the rhetoric of health care disciplines, composition pedagogy, writing program assessment and environmental discourse studies. More recently, her work has centered on public moral argumentation and political deliberation. She has taught courses in first-year composition, technical communication, professional writing, argument, composition pedagogy, gender and sexual identity studies, rhetorical theories and criticism, environmental discourse, narrative theories and genres, and research methodologies in composition studies.

She has taught courses in first-year composition, technical communication, professional writing, argument, composition pedagogy, gender and sexual identity studies, rhetorical theories and criticism, environmental discourse, narrative theories and genres, and research methodologies in composition studies.


  • Detweiler, Jane, Margaret LaWare, and Patti Wojahn. "Academic Leadership and Advocacy: On Not Leaning In." College English 79.5 (2017): 451-465.
  • Detweiler, Jane, Margaret LaWare, Tom Miller, and Patti Wojahn. "Positioning Rhetoric at the Heart of the Matter: Engaging Faculty, Engaging Students." In Rhetoric Across Borders. Rhetoric Society of America, 2015. 254-62.
  • Detweiler, Jane and Maureen McBride. "Designs on Assessment: 推荐杏吧原创." In Organic Writing Assessment: Dynamic Criteria Mapping in Action. Logan, UT, Utah State University Press, 2009. 52-72. Also team-composed and -edited this collection with Bob Broad, Linda Adler-Kassner, Barry Alford, Heidi Estrem, Susanmarie Harrington, Maureen McBride, Eric Stalions, and Scott Weeden.
  • Detweiler, Jane. "To Design a Doctor(ate): Negotiating Professional Identities in a New Clinical-Doctoral Program." In Medical Rhetoric: Essays Toward a New Disciplinary Inquiry. Ed. Barbara Heifferon and Stuart Brown. New York: Hampton Press, 2007. 223-244.
  • Detweiler, Jane and Claudia Peyton. "Defining Occupations: A Chronotopic Study of Narrative Genres in a Health Discipline's Emergence." Written Communication 16.4 (1999): 412-468.


  • Ph.D., English/Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville
  • M.A., Creative Writing, Arizona State
  • B.A., University of Redlands