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Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Behavioral Ecology Genomics and Molecular Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Marjorie Matocq
Professor, Population & Evolutionary Genetics and Director of the Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology graduate program
She, her, hers
1328 3522 1335 1327 1337 1329 1323
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology
Thomas Albright
Associate Professor, Deputy Nevada State Climatologist
1328 3522 1335 1327
Global Change Faculty Limnology and Aquatic Ecology Physiological Ecology scott, ecohydrology, hydrology, environment, forestry, ecology, ecophysiology
Scott Allen
Assistant Professor, Ecohydrology & Physiological Ecology
1328 3522 1326 1325 scott, ecohydrology, hydrology, environment, forestry, ecology, ecophysiology
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty Evolution Genomics and Molecular Ecology
Global Change Faculty Limnology and Aquatic Ecology Conservation Biology ice cores, microplastics, human impacts, pollution, climate, coral reefs, citizen science, science communications
Monica Arienzo
Assistant Research Professor, Hydrology
She, her, hers
1328 3522 1326 1335 ice cores, microplastics, human impacts, pollution, climate, coral reefs, citizen science, science communications
Faculty Limnology and Aquatic Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology
Faculty Conservation Biology
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Ecosystem Ecology
Franco Biondi
Professor, Ecoclimatology/Tree Rings
1328 3522 1335 3585
Faculty Forest Ecology Ecosystem Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Sarah Bisbing
Associate Professor, Whittell Forest & Wildlife Area Director
3522 1330 3585 1323
Global Change Faculty Limnology and Aquatic Ecology
Joanna Blaszczak
Assistant Professor, Freshwater Ecology & Biogeochemistry
1328 3522 1326
Global Change Faculty Limnology and Aquatic Ecology Conservation Biology Ecosystem Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Sudeep Chandra
Ozmen Institute for Global Studies, Director of the Global Water Center, Professor
1328 3522 1326 1335 3585 1323
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Forest Ecology Physiological Ecology
Adam Csank
Geography Department Chair, Associate Professor
1328 3522 1335 1330 1325
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Forest Ecology Ecosystem Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Hall Cushman
Professor, Community & Climate-Change Ecology
1328 3522 1335 1330 3585 1323 1324
Faculty Chemical Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty Forest Ecology Evolution Chemical Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Lee Dyer
Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology graduate program
he, him, él
3458 3522 1330 1331 1336 1323 1324
Faculty Conservation Biology Population and Community Ecology
Jeff Falke
Unit Leader, Nevada Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
3522 1335 1323
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty Conservation Biology Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology Chemical Ecology Genomics and Molecular Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Chris Feldman
Professor, Curator of Vertebrates and Associate Museum Director for the Museum of Natural History
3458 3522 1335 1331 1337 1325 1336 1329 1323
Faculty Conservation Biology Population and Community Ecology
Brian Folt
Nevada Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | Assistant Unit Leader
3522 1335 1323
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Evolution Chemical Ecology Genomics and Molecular Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Matt Forister
Foundation Professor, Trevor J. McMinn Endowed Research Professor in Biology
3458 1328 3522 1335 1331 1336 1329 1323 1324
Faculty Conservation Biology
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Forest Ecology
Soil Ecology Global Change Faculty Landscape Ecology Forest Ecology
Erin Hanan
Associate Professor, Fire & Ecosystem Ecology
1322 1328 3522 1327 1330
Faculty Evolution Physiological Ecology
Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Faculty Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology
Faculty Disease Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Global Change Faculty Physiological Ecology Chemical Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Evolution Population and Community Ecology
Elizabeth Leger
Director of the Museum of Natural History, Foundation Professor
1328 3522 1335 1331 1323
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology Chemical Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Anne Leonard
Biology Department Chair, Professor
3522 1331 1337 1336 1324
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology Genomics and Molecular Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Mike Logan
Assistant Professor
1328 3522 1335 1331 1337 1325 1329 1323
Global Change Faculty Evolution
Faculty Behavioral Ecology Chemical Ecology
Dennis Mathew
Co-Director of Graduate MS/PhD Neuroscience Program, Associate Professor
3522 1337 1336
Global Change Faculty Landscape Ecology Evolution Behavioral Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Christopher Morgan
Professor of Anthropology; Don Frazier-Don Fowler Endowed Chair in Prehistoric Great Basin Archaeology; Faculty member in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
1328 3522 1327 1331 1337 1323
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology
Faculty Landscape Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Physiological Ecology Disease Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Ken Nussear
Associate Professor
1328 3522 1335 1327 1325 1333 1323
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology
Jenny Ouyang
Associate Professor
1328 3522 1335 1331 1337 1325
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty Evolution Genomics and Molecular Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Soil Ecology Faculty Landscape Ecology Forest Ecology Chemical Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Casey Philbin
Assistant Research Professor
1322 3522 1327 1330 1336 1323 1324
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Vladimir Pravosudov
Foundation Professor, Trevor J. McMinn Endowed Research Professor in Science
3522 1331 1337 1325 1324
Global Change Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology Chemical Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty Conservation Biology
Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Data Services Coordinator
Remote Sensing and GIS data, Reproducible data analysis and visualization in R
3458 3522 1335
Chemical Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Bioinformatics and Phylogenomics Faculty
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Disease Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Kevin Shoemaker
Associate Professor, Applied Population Ecology
1328 3522 1335 1333 1323
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Population and Community Ecology
Robert Shriver
Assistant Professor, Plant Ecology & Population Biology
1328 3522 1335 1323
Faculty Physiological Ecology Chemical Ecology Disease Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Forest Ecology Behavioral Ecology Physiological Ecology Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Kelley Stewart
Professor, Wildlife Ecology
1328 3522 1335 1327 1330 1337 1325 1323 1324
Faculty Chemical Ecology
Matthew J. Tucker
Professor of Chemistry | Graduate Director of Chemistry | Scientific Co-Director for Hitchcock Center for Chemical Ecology
3522 1336
Faculty Behavioral Ecology Chemical Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions controls, robotics, data-driven, insects, behavior, system identification, neuroscience, neuroethology
Floris van Breugel
Assistant Professor
3522 1337 1336 1324 controls, robotics, data-driven, insects, behavior, system identification, neuroscience, neuroethology
Faculty Evolution Behavioral Ecology Genomics and Molecular Ecology
Alexander van der Linden
Associate Dean, Professor of Biology and Director of Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core
3522 1331 1337 1329
Faculty Population and Community Ecology Plant-Animal Interactions
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Disease Ecology
Jamie Voyles
Associate Professor, Trevor J. McMinn Endowed Research Professor in Biology
1328 3522 1335 1333
Global Change Faculty Conservation Biology Landscape Ecology Forest Ecology Population and Community Ecology
Peter Weisberg
Professor, Landscape Ecology
1328 3522 1335 1327 1330 1323
Faculty Conservation Biology Population and Community Ecology
Perry Williams
Assistant Professor, Statistical Ecology
3522 1335 1323