
Power systems and machines

Examiner: Dr. Hanif Livani, hlivani@unr.edu


Power System Analysis and Design, Glover and Sarma, Third Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2002.


  1. Solve problems involving phase angles, line-line or line-neutral voltages and line or phase currents for a three-phase power system
  2. Obtain single-phase and three-phase real and reactive power and the power factor
  3. Solve power factor correction problems
  4. Model power system transmission lines
  5. Model single phase and three-phase transformers
  6. Model synchronous machines

Exam topics

  1. Fundamental
    • Phasors
    • Instantaneous power in single-phase AC circuits
    • Complex power
    • Network equations
    • Balanced three-phase circuits
    • Power in balanced three-phase circuits
    • Advantages of balanced three-phase versus single-phase systems
  2. Power transformers
    • The ideal transformer
    • Equivalent circuits for practical transformers
    • The per-unit system
    • Three-phase transformer connections and phase shift
    • Per-unit model of three-phase two-winding transformers
    • Three-winding transformers
    • Autotransformers
  3. Fundamentals of electrical machines
    • DC, synchronous, and AC machines
  4. Transmission lines parameters
    • Transmission-line design considerations
    • Resistance
    • Conductance
    • Inductance (solid cylindrical conductor)
    • Inductance (single-phase two-wire line and three-phase three wire line with equal phase spacing)
    • Inductance (composite conductors, unequal phase spacing, bundled conductors)
    • Series impedances (three-phase line with neutral conductors and earth return)
    • Capacitance (single-phase, two-wire line and three-phase, three-wire line with equal phase spacing)
    • Capacitance (stranded conductors, unequal phase spacing, bundled conductors)
    • Parallel circuit three-phase lines
  5. Transmission lines
    • Steady-state operation: Medium and short line approximations
    • Transmission-line differential equations
    • Equivalent π circuit
    • Maximum power flow
    • Line loadability
    • Reactive compensation techniques
  6. Power flow analysis
    • The power-flow problem