Elie Hajj

- Phone: (775) 784-1180
- Email: elieh@unr.edu
- Building:
- Room: 320A
- Mail stop: 0258
- Website: Western Regional Superpave Center website
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Dr. Elie Hajj is a professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and an associate director of the Western Regional Superpave Center (WRSC) at 推荐杏吧原创. He has over 18 years of experience in academia and industry with an emphasis on sustainability of pavement systems, dynamic response of pavement structures, and full-scale testing of pavement systems. Dr. Hajj authored over 100 publications in journals, national and international conferences, and technical reports. He made more than 100 presentations in professional meetings, conferences, seminars, and workshops. He served as a principal investigator on multiple projects for FHWA, FAA, State DOTs, local governments, private industry, etc.
Dr. Hajj is currently chairing TRB AFK50 committee and a member of the ASCE, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, and the International Society for Asphalt Pavements. He is a founding member and an elected officer (since 2017) for the Academy of Pavement Science & Engineering (APSE). Dr. Hajj is also an associate editor for the International Journal of Pavement Engineering-IJPE.
- Ph.D., 2005, Civil Engineering, University of Nevada
- M.S.C.E, 2002, Civil Engineering, University of Nevada
- B.S.C.E, 1999, Civil Engineering, Lebanese University (5-Years Program), Lebanon
- Chair, Transportation Research Board (TRB) National Committee AFK50: Structural Requirements of Asphalt Mixtures. (April 15, 2014–April 14, 2020).
- Founding Member, (APSE). (April 2017–Present).
- Executive Officer, Treasurer (Elected), Academy of Pavement Science and Engineering (APSE). (April 2017–Present).
- Member, Board of Advisors, (AM3P). (2018–Present).
- Aff. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. (2017–Present).
- Member, International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP). (2012–Present).
- Committee Member, TRB National Committee AFK50: Structural Requirements of Asphalt Mixtures. (2011–Present).
- Member, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT). (2009–Present).
- Committee Member, TRB National Committee AFD80: Pavement Structural Modeling and Evaluation. (April 15, 2006–Present).
- Committee Member, TRB National Committee AFK30: Non-Binder Components of Asphalt Mixtures. (April 15, 2010–April 14, 2018).
- Associate Editor, IJPE, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2017 Impact Factor 2.322. (January 1, 2015–Present).
Prospective graduate students
Dr. Hajj is always looking for talented and hard-working students.
Research interests
- Characterization and advanced testing of engineered & sustainable paving materials
- Numerical modeling of asphalt pavement responses to moving dynamic loads
- Analysis procedures for evaluation of Superheavy load movements on flexible pavements
- Full-scale pavement structure instrumentation, testing, and evaluation
- Influence of pavement roughness & roadway characteristics on Fuel and non-fuel vehicle operating costs
In the news
- 2016 Award for Outstanding Article in Advances in Civil Engineering Materials from ASTM International for outstanding manuscript ACEM20160025, Laboratory and Economic Evaluations of Thin Lift Asphalt Overlay for Pavement Preservation.
- . Engineering News-Record (ENR), April 29–May 6, 2019.
- . Ashley Halsey III, The Washington Post, published 3:00 pm PDT, Sunday, October 28, 2018.
- Asphalt Academic – Elie Y. Hajj, Asphalt: the Magazine of the Asphalt Institute, October 22, 2015.
Selected publications
- Habbouche, J., Hajj, E. Y., Piratheepan, M., Sebaaly, P. E., & Morian, N. E. (2019). . Transportation Research Record.
- Pournoman, S., Hajj, E. Y., Morian, N., & Martin, A. E. (2018).. Transportation Research Record, 2672(28), 277–289.
- Batioja-Alvarez, D., Kazemi, S.-F., Hajj, E. Y., Siddharthan, R. V., & Hand, A. J. T. (2018). . Transportation Research Record, 2672(9), 229–241.
- Habbouche, J., Hajj, E. Y., Sebaaly, P. E., & Piratheepan, M. (2018). . International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1–17.
- Habbouche, J., Hajj, E. Y., Sebaaly, P. E., & Morian, N. E. (2018). . Transportation Research Record, 2672(40), 228–241.
- Bazi, G., Hajj, E. Y., Ulloa-Calderon, A., & Ullidtz, P. (2018).. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1–11.
- Garcia Cucalon, L., Kaseer, F., Arámbula-Mercado, E., Epps Martin, A., Morian, N., Pournoman, S., & Hajj, E. Y. (2018). . Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1–22.
- Batioja-Alvarez, D. D., Kazemi, S.-F., Hajj, E. Y., Siddharthan, R. V., & Hand, A. J. T. (2018). . Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B Pavements, ASCE, 144(2).
- Gu, F., Luo, X., Luo, R., Hajj, E. Y., & Lytton, R. L. (2017). Transportation Geotechnics, 13, 69–80.
- Alavi, M., Hajj, E. Y., & Sebaaly, P. E. (2017). . International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 18(9), 871–885.
- Sebaaly, P. E., Hajj, E. Y., Sathanathan, T., & Shivakolunthar, S. (2017).. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 18(2), 169–182.
- Sun, Y., Xu, H., Wu, J., Hajj, E. Y., & Geng, X. (2017). . Transportation Research Record, 2645(1), 50–56.
- Siddharthan, R., Nasimifar, M., Tan, X., & Hajj, E. Y. (2017). , 18(2), 390–407.
- Habbouche, J., Hajj, E. Y., Morian, N., Sebaaly, P. E., & Piratheepan, M. (2017).. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18(sup4), 30–57.
- Hajj, E. Y., Batioja-Alvarez, D., & Siddharthan, R. (2016). . Transportation Research Record, 2591(1), 70–79.
- Hajj, E. Y., Sanders, D. H., & Weitzel, N. D. (2016). . Transportation Research Record, 2577(1), 78–87.
- Gu, F., Luo, X., Luo, R., Lytton, R. L., Hajj, E. Y., & Siddharthan, R. (2016).. Construction and Building Materials, 122, 214–230.
- Lo Presti, D., del Barco Carrión, A. J., Airey, G., & Hajj, E. Y. (2016). . Journal of Cleaner Production, 131, 43–51.
- Habbouche, J., Hajj, E. Y., & Sebaaly, P. E. (2016). Laboratory and Economic Evaluations of Thin Lift Asphalt Overlay for Pavement Preservation. ASTM Journal Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 5(1), 303–324.
Seminars, webinars and workshops
- Hajj, E., Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis (ITS-Davis) Seminar, "", Invited, Davis, California. (April 26, 2019).
- Hajj, E., Nabizadeh, H., Kazemi, S.-F., TRB Webinar, Non-Academic, "", Accepted, Online. (April 23, 2019). (372 Attendees)
- Hajj, E., Seminar, Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology, University of Waterloo, "Thermal Cracking Resistance Index Threshold for Assessing Asphalt Mixture Brittleness with Field Validation", Invited, Waterloo, Canada. (April 17, 2019).
- Hajj, E., Kent Seminar Series, Illinois Center for Transportation, University of Illinois, Non-Academic, Seminar, "", Invited, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. (March 29, 2018).
- Hajj, E., Xu, H., Sime, M., TRB Webinar, Non-Academic, "", Accepted, Online. (March 14, 2018). (155 Attendees)
- Hajj, E., 2018 WRAPP Pavement Preservation Workshop, Non-Academic, Workshop, "Education & the Future of Pavement Preservation Round Table: PES Program at UNR", Invited, Concord, California. (February 7, 2018).
- Hajj, E., Hands-on Workshop on Modeling Tools to Evaluate Low Temperature Cracking in Asphalt Mixtures, Academic, Workshop, "UTSST Test, Theory, and Data Analysis", Invited, Reno, Nevada. (April 6, 2017).
Courses taught
- Construction Materials Engineering and Testing (Undergraduate)
- Pavement Design and Analysis (Undergraduate/Graduate)
- Advanced Pavement Design and Analysis (Graduate)
- Bituminous Materials and Mixtures (Graduate)
- Pavement Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance (Graduate)
- Pavement Management (Graduate)
- Advanced Topics in Pavement Engineering (Graduate)
- Advanced Modeling and Analysis of Bituminous Materials (Graduate)