We conduct state of the art research on:
- Animal nutrition and production
- Animal health
- Animal reproduction
- Grazing and forage ecology, management and utilization
- Plant molecular genetics
- Horticulture
- Meat science
- Sustainability of mowing fuel breaks - resilience of sagebrush rangelands
- Post fire riparian monitoring for return of livestock grazing
- Cattle and wild horse management for nevada sage-grouse meadow habitats
- Groundwater movement in restored meadows of the Sierra Nevada Range
- Geomorphic sustainability of pond and plug meadow restoration projects
- Response of central nevada pinyon-juniper woodlands to fire, chaining, thinning and mastication
- Practical grazing management to maintain or restore riparian functions and values
- Riparian functions for water quality
- Post fire grazing management in the presence of cheatgrass
- State-and-Transition modeling development
- Ecohydrology of Winter's Ranch: implications for future management
- Rangeland management research
- Nutritional toxicology
- Environmental toxicology
Research facilities
Our research is internationally recognized and we offer hands-on opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students to work in a variety of laboratory settings as well as field experiments at several outstanding research facilities, including:
- , Fallon, Nevada
- , Eureka, Nevada
- , Grass Valley, Nevada
- , Herlong, California
- , Logandale, Nevada
- , Reno, Nevada
- , Reno, Nevada