
Artemisia Archaeological Research Fund

Current questions driving AARF research include:

  1. When did people arrive in the Intermountain West?
  2. What is the technological and chronological relationship between Western Stemmed Tradition (WST) and fluted points?
  3. What was the relationship between wetland quality/quantity and Paleoindian settlement-subsistence strategies?
  4. What can tool stone conveyance tell us about the connections between groups who occupied different parts of the Intermountain West?

To address these and other questions, each summer the AARF supports three months of fieldwork in the Intermountain West, which is typically carried out in conjunction with other academic programs and federal land management agencies (the Desert Research Institute, Nevada State Museum, University of Oregon Natural and Cultural History Museum and Great Basin Textile Dating Project, among others). This work offers graduate and undergraduate students opportunities to gain on-the-job training and prepare for a career in academic archaeology. The unit encourage students of all levels to formulate and pursue independent and collaborative research projects and support presentation and publication efforts.

Research unit members


  • Ken Adams (DRI)
  • Pat Barker (Nevada State Museum)
  • Bill Cannon (Lakeview BLM)
  • Tom Connolly (University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History)
  • Judson Finley (Utah State University)
  • Eugene Hattori (Nevada State Museum)
  • Bryan Hockett (Bureau of Land Management)
  • Dennis Jenkins (University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History)
  • Lisbeth Louderback (University of Utah)
  • Dave Rhode (Desert Research Institute)
  • Mike Rondeau (Rondeau Archaeological)
  • Teresa Wriston (Desert Research Institute)
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Geoffrey M. Smith
Geoffrey M. Smith, Ph.D.
Regents' Professor and Executive Director of the Artemisia Archaeological Research Fund
(775) 682-7687
Room 621
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Nicole George
Nicole George
Graduate Student
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Great Basin Paleoindian Research Unit
Shelby Saper
Shelby Saper
Graduate Student