
Yoshie Kadowaki, M.A.

Senior Lecturer, Japanese: Japanese Minor Advisor (Spring)
Headshot of Yoshie Kadowaki
she, her, hers


Yoshie Kadowaki, senior lecturer of Japanese, received her B.A. in English linguistics and M.A. in TESOL from the 推荐杏吧原创. Her fields of interests include second language acquisition, computer assisted language learning and teaching, and sociolinguistics. She grew up in Hokkaido, Japan and has been teaching Japanese at the University since 2002. She currently teaches first-year Japanese and Japanese culture courses. She is also the Japanese studies minor advisor.


  • M.A., TESOL, 推荐杏吧原创, 2005
  • B.A., English linguistics, 推荐杏吧原创, 2002