
Sarah Bisbing

Associate Professor, Natural Resources & Environmental Science; Director, Whittell Forest & Wildlife Area
sarah bisbing


Research in the lab utilizes field, lab, and greenhouse studies to understand the primary drivers of tree species’ distributions and evaluate the role of disturbance in altering forest composition, structure, and function. We are particularly interested in identifying the local abiotic and biotic factors determining successful regeneration and establishment. Our research uses this knowledge to examine how altered disturbance regimes and ongoing climate change will influence forest resilience and impact species’ ranges.

Projects are currently underway on a gradient of landscape scales, from a local study of salvage logging impacts on conifer regeneration to a range-wide study of coast redwood resilience to compound disturbances. Many of these projects include a permanent plot network that will facilitate long-term monitoring of forest ecosystem change over time. We work closely with local land managers and researchers to identify the gaps in knowledge necessary for management and conservation of forest ecosystems.


B.S. University of Montana, 2005
M.S. University of Montana, 2008
Ph.D. Colorado State University, 2013