
Advancements in Teaching Excellence

Inspiring, informing and supporting a culture of high-quality and inclusive teaching

Request a consultation

What we provide to our campus community

  • Consultations and workshops: we give on demand presentations on pedagogy topics for individuals, groups, or departments.
  • Peer observation of teaching: we can connect interested parties and provide coaching on the design and facilitation of peer observation.
  • New faculty programming: we help orient new faculty to campus, build community, and develop and refine pedagogical skills.
  • Events and programs for all: we facilitate a variety of talks, panels, book groups, and thematic learning communities on teaching.
  • Teaching awards: we coordinate University level teaching awards and celebrate excellent teaching.
  • Teaching resources: we connect you to support on campus and just-in-time resources on teaching topics.
  • Teaching statements: we can provide coaching and feedback on your teaching philosophy and your growth as a teacher in your end-of-year teaching narrative and teaching portfolios for awards or promotion.

Request a consultation

We invite all instructors in any field and at any level to request a teaching consultation with members of our team. We can help you to brainstorm in your planning stages or provide feedback on your teaching practices, including arranging a classroom observation at your request.