
Olufemi Ajumobi

Olufemi Ajumobi

Ph.D. Student - Social and Behavioral Health


Research interests 

Opioid use disorder and health care services

Faculty mentors

  • Dr. Karla Wagner

Selected presentations and publications

  • Ajumobi, O., Verdugo, S.R., Labus, B., Reuther, P., Lee, B., Koch, B., Davidson, P. J. & Wagner, K. D (2021). Identification of Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose Cases Using 9-1-1 Computer Assisted Dispatch and Prehospital Patient Clinical Record Variables. Prehospital Emergency Care, 1-14.
  • Ajumobi, O., Verdugo, S.R., Labus, B., Reuther, P., Lee, B., Koch, B., Davidson, P. J. & Wagner, K. D (2020, June). Pre-hospital Opioid Overdose Cases: Day-Time Distribution and Accuracy of Using 911 Computer Assisted Dispatch and Patient Clinical Record Variables for Identification of Cases. Poster presented at College on Problems of Drug Dependence annual conference (virtual), Florida.


2023 (anticipated) Ph.D. in Public Health with specialization in Social and Behavioral Health 

2012 Master of Public Health (Field Epidemiology), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria

2002 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Ibadan, Nigeria