Adrienne S. Renwick is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Clinical Alcohol Drug Counselor, and supervisor for both professional licensing boards. Renwick has worked as a therapist and director of clinical services in various settings, serving both urban and rural communities. Her clinical specialization is trauma, substance abuse, domestic violence and issues specific to children and adolescents. She has extensive experience in establishing and developing collaborative relationships for the purpose of addressing gaps in advocacy and mental health systems with entities such as law enforcement, juvenile probation, senior centers, coalitions, behavioral health providers and legal systems. She previously served as a Governor appointed member on the Northern Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board as part of a statewide initiative through the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. Renwick’s research interests include substance and behavioral addictions, career related burnout and domestic violence. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses specific to counseling for substance misuse and co-occurring disorders.
- Muzacz, A.K., Houston, S., Renwick, A.S., & Carew, C.M. (2023). , 27(1).
*Last name changed from Sutherland to Renwick in 2020
- Renwick, A. S. (Principal Investigator), & Ross, J. (Co-Investigator). (2024). Clinical Problem Gambling Internship Program [Grant]. Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. (Award #SG-2025-00397/AWD4659) Funded: $95,000.
- Renwick, A. S. (Principal Investigator), & Ross, J. (Co-Investigator). (2023). CASAT Academic Unit [Grant]. Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. (Award #AWD-01-00004423) Funded: $95,000.
- Renwick, A. S. (Principal Investigator). (2023). Downing Counseling Clinic School Based Mental Health Services [Grant]. Humboldt County School District. Funded: $50,000.
- Renwick, A. S. (Principal Investigator). (2023). Downing Counseling Clinic School Based Mental Health Services [Grant]. Churchill County School District. Funded: $25,000.
- Renwick, A. S. (Principal Investigator), & DePue, M. K. (Co-Investigator). (2022). Downing Counseling Clinic Problem Gambling Program [Grant]. Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. (Award #AWD-01-00003969) Funded: $51,563.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), Schoen, E., & Reha, A. (Co-Investigators). (2019). Storey and Lyon Counties Victims Services Unit [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Stalking Program. (Award #2019-WR-AX-0047) Funded: $499,848 for a 3-year cycle.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2019). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2019-VAWA-10) Funded: $39,993.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2019). Community Chest House of Hope Domestic Violence and Advocacy Services [Grant]. State of Nevada Division of Child and Family Services, Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Grant. (Agency Reference #93671-18-002) Funded: $70,000.
- Schoen, E. (Principal Investigator), & Sutherland, A. (Co-Investigator). (2019). Community Chest Mental Health and Advocacy Program [Grant]. Victims of Crime Act, State of Nevada. (Agency Reference #16575-17-016) Funded: $305,000.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2018). Community Chest Mental Health and Advocacy Program [Grant]. Victims of Crime Act, State of Nevada. (Agency Reference #16575-17-016) Funded: $165,308.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2018). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2018-VAWA-31) Funded: $25,000.
- Schoen, E. (Principal Investigator), & Sutherland, A. (Co-Investigator). (2018). Community Chest Family Resource Center [Grant]. State of Nevada Division of Child and Family Services, Family Resource Center Grant. (Agency Reference #2112) Funded: $10,879.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2017). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2017-VAWA-31) Funded: $25,000.
- Schoen, E. (Principal Investigator), & Sutherland, A. (Co-Investigator). (2017). Community Chest Family Resource Center [Grant]. State of Nevada Division of Child and Family Services, Family Resource Center Grant. (Agency Reference #2112) Funded: $10,879.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2016). Community Chest Mental Health and Advocacy Program [Grant]. Victims of Crime Act, State of Nevada. (Agency Reference #16575-17-016) Funded: $260,000 per year for 2-year cycle.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2016). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2016-VAWA-31) Funded: $39,993.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2015). Community Chest Mental Health and Advocacy Program [Grant]. Victims of Crime Act, State of Nevada. (Agency Reference #16575-17-016) Funded: $125,000.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2015). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2015-VAWA-31) Funded: $20,000.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2014). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2014-VAWA-31) Funded: $20,000.
- Sutherland, A. (Principal Investigator), & Schoen, E. (Co-Investigator). (2013). Comstock Victims Services [Grant]. Office for Violence Against Women, STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant. (Award #2013-VAWA-31) Funded: $20,000.
- Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies. (2023). Gary L. Fisher "From Scholarship to Service" Award [Award]. Awarded for excellence in applying academic training to service in the community.
- Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from Oregon State University
- M.A. in Counseling and Educational Psychology from the 推荐杏吧原创