Biogeochemistry 167, 1089–1105 (2024)
Bagcilar, S.H., Reed, C.C., Poulson, S.R. et al.
Journal of Arid Land Studies. 32 (2022) 76
C. Igono, W. Payne, R. Blank, P.S. Verburg, E. Nyakatawa
Environmental Pollution Volume 315, 15 December 2022, 120367
A. Shahriar, D. Hanigan, P. Verburg, K. Pagilla, Y. u. Yang
Environmental Pollution Volume 276, 1 May 2021, 116532
Shahriar, A., Tan, J., Sharma, P., Hanigan, D., Verburg, P., Pagilla, K., & Yang, Y. u.
Ecosystems, 24(5), 1125–1141
C.C. Reed, A G. Merrill, W. M. Drew, B. Christman, R. A. Hutchinson, L. Keszey, M. Odell,S. Swanson, P. S. J. Verburg, J. Wilcox, S.C. Hart, B. W. Sullivan
CATENA Volume 190, July 2020, 104524
Founds, M., McGwire, K., Weltz, M., Verburg, P. S.
Agronomy, 9(10), 592
Goehring, N., Saito, L., Jeong, J., Kiniry, J., Meki, N., Verburg, P. S.
Science of the Total Environment, 651, 1253-1260
Adhikari, D., Dunham-Cheatham, S., Wordofa, D., Verburg, P. S., Poulson, S. R., Yang, Y.
Soil Systems, 2(38)
Trimble, B., Calderon, F., Poulson, S., Verburg, P. S.
Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 82 No. 1, p. 231-234
Ketchian E., Trimble B., Poulson S., Verburg P.S.J.
Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (4), pp 2068–2076
You, Y., Das, K., Guo, H., Chang, C.-W., Navas-Moreno, M., Chan, J., Verburg, P. S., Poulson, S. R., Wang, X., Xing, B., Yang, Y.
Oecologia, 182, 299-317
Johnson, B., Verburg, P. S., Arnone, J.
Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9764-6
de Graaff M-A, Throop H, Verburg PSJ, Arnone JA III, Campos X.
Plant and Soils, Volume 378, Issue 1-2, pp 227-238
Verburg, P. S., Kapitzke, S. E., Stevenson, B. A., Bisiaux, M.
Effects of climate and vegetation on soil nutrients in the Great Basin studied using a latitudinal-elevational gradient.
Plant and Soil, 382, 151-163.
Johnson, B., Verburg, P. S., Arnone, J. A.
Do increased summer precipitation and N deposition alter fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert ecosystem?
Global Change Biology. 19, 948-956
Verburg P.S.J., A.C. Young, B.A. Stevenson, I. Glanzmann, J.A. Arnone III, G. M. Marion, C. Holmes, R.S. Nowak
Moisture effects on carbon and nitrogen emission from burning of wildland biomass.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 10, 7985-8007.
Chen, L.-W. A., P. Verburg, A. Shackelford, D. Zhu, R. Susfalk, J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson.
Impacts of an anomalously warm year on nutrient availability in experimentally manipulated tallgrass prairie ecosystems.
Global Change Biology. 15: 888-900
Verburg, P.S.J., D.W. Johnson, D.E. Schorran, L.L. Wallace, Y. Luo, J.A. Arnone III.
Reduction of ecosystem CO2 uptake in anomalously warm year persists due to lagged rise in respiration.
Nature. 455:383-386.
Arnone III, J.A., P.S.J. Verburg, D.W. Johnson, J.D. Larsen, R.L. Jasoni, A.J. Farnady, C.M. Batts, C. von Nagy, W.G. Coulombe, D.E. Schorran, P.E. Buck, B.H. Braswell, J.S. Coleman, R.A. Sherry, L.L. Wallace, Y. Luo, D.S. Schimel
Soluble element distributions in a Mojave Desert soil.
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72:1815-1823
Marion, G.M., P.S.J. Verburg, B. Stevenson, J.A. Arnone III.
Impacts of an anomalously warm year on soil CO2 fluxes in experimentally manipulated tallgrass prairie ecosystems.
Global Change Biology. 11:1720-1732
Verburg, P.S.J., J. Larsen, D.W. Johnson, D.E. Schorran, J.A. Arnone III.