
2025 State of the State Address highlights The University appreciates Gov. Lombardo鈥檚 commitment to ensuring that higher education in Nevada continues to have a major impact on the future of our state.

Morrill Hall sits on the south end of the 推荐杏吧原创 quad, a large lawn area surrounded by trees and a walking path.

2025 State of the State Address highlights

The University appreciates Gov. Lombardo鈥檚 commitment to ensuring that higher education in Nevada continues to have a major impact on the future of our state.

January 15, 2025

Dear Wolf Pack Family,

This evening, Governor Joe Lombardo delivered his 2025 State of the State Address and released the details of the Executive Budget for the State of Nevada. I was honored to be in attendance at the invitation of Assemblymember Selena Torres-Fossett, who, in addition to being a respected educator in our state, is also a proud graduate of our University.

The University appreciates Gov. Lombardo’s commitment to ensuring that higher education in Nevada continues to have a major impact on the future of our state. Substantial state investment in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) as evidenced by the Executive Budget for the State of Nevada provides our University with avenues for continued student growth, faculty and staff achievement and the continuation of our role as a proven leader in growing socioeconomic opportunities for Nevada.

The work of Governor Lombardo and the members of the 83rd Session of the Nevada State Legislature, which begins in Carson City on February 3, will be critical to our future. We remain optimistic about the outcome of the session, which will deal with proposed funding levels for higher education as well as some of the mechanisms of how this funding will be determined.

Below are highlights of Gov. Lombardo’s State of the State Address and Executive Budget and how they relate specifically to our future:

  • $11.2 million annually for the 推荐杏吧原创: This funding will support 80% of the 12% and 11% cost-of-living adjustments approved for faculty and staff in fiscal years 2024 and 2025.
  • $12.2 million per year for the Knowledge Fund: Allocated over the biennium, this funding aims to foster research and commercialization in areas targeted for economic growth.
  • $11 million for enhanced campus safety: This funding will be directed toward improving safety measures across institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE).
  • $10 million annually for the nursing expansion program: This funding will sustain the program initiated by SB375, which addresses Nevada's nursing shortage by increasing faculty capacity and student enrollment in NSHE nursing programs.
  • $24.8 million annually in federal funding and drug rebates: These funds will support Graduate Medical Education (GME) and workforce enhancements through collaborations with universities and partners, aiming to improve healthcare access for recipients.

The University, as well as all of the members of NSHE, will be following a strategic approach as the 83rd Session of the Nevada State Legislature begins next month. We look forward to the session as an opportunity to work closely with our state’s elected leaders as they thoughtfully prioritize the state’s needs. There is already a strong recognition of the value of our role as the state’s land-grant leader, and it is incumbent that we emphasize expanded support for access and achievement leads to transformative impacts for the future of our state’s economy.

Throughout the session, Michael Flores, our Vice President for Government and Community Engagement, will be advocating and advancing our priorities. Please feel free to reach out to Michael or his team for any help or legislative information you might need. You can sign up for Government and Community Engagement’s monthly newsletter and attend weekly Friday zoom updates during session.

Go Pack!

Sincere regards,

Brian Sandoval