Election Day is Tomorrow! Each election, and each vote that is cast, matters. Please exercise your right to vote.

Election Day is Tomorrow!
November 4, 2024
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
Casting a vote in any election is a vitally important part of ensuring that our democracy functions at its highest and most impactful level. An individual’s vote represents a personal, yet highly principled dedication to our democracy, and is one of the most powerful and peaceful tools that any of us can ever possess.
I wish to encourage everyone in our campus community — if you haven’t already — to exercise your right to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Voting details are available via the Registrar of Voters for the county in which you are registered. are offering mail-in ballot drop off boxes as well. The University will also be hosting a polling location on Nov. 5 on the 2nd Floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free parking will be available during this time on level five of the West Stadium Parking Garage.
In addition to knowing your polling places, is still available. You can find your voter registration status on the .
For classified staff interested in Civil Leave because it is impractical to vote prior to your work day or after, please contact or A request for Civil Leave must be completed before the day in which an employee wishes to take the leave or other types of leave may be considered.
To help support our campus community, Counseling Services is hosting a processing space the day after the election on Nov. 6 at the Counseling Services Annex located in Great Basin Hall. This space will serve as a place where students can seek support and participate in activities to help them regulate their emotions. Below is a list of the activities that Counseling Services is offering:
- A Post-Election Empowerment Plan will be available for students to complete alone, with peers, or with staff.
- Journaling and craft supplies will be available for students to use for reflection.
- Campus partners have agreed to share resources that we will have on hand for students.
- Let’s Talk Drop-in Consultations will be held from 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m. Student can check in for a Let’s Talk appointment and receive one-on-one support from a Counseling Services staff member.
Students can also contact Counseling Services at (775) 784-4648 as well as the Downing Counseling Clinic. The University’s LiveWell Program is also available to help you prioritize your well-being and navigate campus resources.
Employees can reach out to the Employee Assistance Program and .
I would also like to make you all aware of a helpful timeline regarding the Presidential election. The lists a number of key dates, as well as the process leading to certification of the Presidential election.
Each election, and each vote that is cast, matters. Please exercise your right to vote.
Go Pack!
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval