Sesh Commuri, professor of electrical and biomedical engineering, recently published the specialized monograph titled “Architecting Networked Engineering Systems,” and described as a guide for manufacturing systems design for Industry 4.0.

Described as a comprehensive approach to the design and analysis of networked engineered systems, the authors demonstrate how the integration of adaptability, operability, and re-configurability in the design of complex systems for the further digitization of engineering systems in smart manufacturing.
Commurri’s collaborative work is available in print or eBook from the
New edition of engineering textbook
Sami Fadali, professor and chair in the electrical and biomedical engineering department, published the third edition of his textbook designed for a senior or graduate course, Digital Control Engineering, in November. It was co-authored by Antonio Visioli, a professor of control systems in the department of mechanical and industrial engineering at the University of Brescia in Italy.

Published by Elsevier, which specializes in science, technology and health, the book covers the fundamental principles and applications of digital control engineering, with an emphasis on engineering design. includes worked examples and MATLAB applications in every chapter for both students and practicing engineers in the electrical, chemical and mechanical disciplines.
With the update, there are more illustrations, simple examples and intermediate mathematical steps in derivations, a companion website with resources for instructors, such as PowerPoint slides, and review material.