Nevada geology calendar puts state’s natural wonders front and center

Nevada comes to life in Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology’s 2017 calendar

Nevada geology calendar puts state’s natural wonders front and center

Nevada comes to life in Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology’s 2017 calendar

Designed by Jack Hursh, Jennifer Vican, Chris Henry and Nick Hinz from the ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´'s Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, the calendar boasts 12 months of breathtaking views of the Desatoya Mountains, Santa Rosa Range, the Mount Rose Glaciation and more, in addition to fascinating trivia about Nevada and the state's geology. This is the fifth year that the Bureau has released a calendar.

"It showcases fantastic Nevada geology that is fun to share," Hursh, who has worked on the design of each calendar since the Bureau started publishing them in 2013, said.

Some photos in the calendar were selected from a local photo contest. Winners include Angel LaCanfora, whose work is featured on the cover, William Krebs, whose work graces the month of April, and Chip Carroon, whose photo is used for the month of August. The Bureau is already accepting contest submissions for its 2018 calendar.

The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology is part of the University's Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering in the College of Science. The Bureau does research on mineral resources, engineering geology, environmental geology hydrogeology, and geologic mapping. In addition to publishing reports on these topics, they also publish maps and create computer databases using their findings.

Beyond producing their calendar, the Bureau also publishes guidebooks and presents lectures, short courses and workshops aimed at assisting laymen, teachers and students by providing answers to questions about Nevada's geology and resources.

The calendar is $10. Those interested in purchasing it may do so by visiting the Bureau of Mines and Geology online, by calling 775-682-8766, or by visiting their store at the Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library located at 2175 Raggio Parkway in Reno. Calendars can also be purchased at Sundance Books and Music in Downtown Reno, The Flag Store in Sparks, and at the Nevada Wolf Shop in the Joe Crowley Student Union on campus. The Bureau offers free on-campus delivery of the calendar.

The Bureau of Mines and Geology sales office will be closed from Dec. 26 through the end of the year, but orders received by Dec. 20 will ship before the office closes.

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