Nevada Economic Development Conference takes place at the University next week

Nevada policy makers, business community leaders and government officials will meet to discuss ongoing economic challenges and opportunities for the region

Nevada Economic Development Conference takes place at the University next week

Nevada policy makers, business community leaders and government officials will meet to discuss ongoing economic challenges and opportunities for the region

The ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´'s College of Business, along with the Western Nevada Development District and the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development will host The Nevada Economic Development Conference - "Stronger Economies Together," Tuesday, May 19 through Thursday, May 21. The conference is designed to foster economic development synergy across different industry sectors in northern Nevada.

Stronger Economies Together, which began nationally in 2010, is a collaboration launched by USDA Rural Development along with the nation's Regional Rural Development Centers and their land-grant university partners. The Stronger Economies Together program (SET) helps communities in rural America to work together on a regional basis to develop strategic economic development plans based on current and emerging economic strengths in each region.  

Nevada's Stronger Economies Together program began in 2012. Since then, a number of collaborations and successful endeavors have taken place as part of the program. This conference will highlight a culmination of these efforts.

More than 500 people are scheduled to attend. Conference attendees will include a broad-range of economic development professionals, elected and appointed officials, business owners, utilities, banks, educators, transportation representatives, government executives, tourism professionals, agribusiness owners and consultants interested in connecting with Nevada's economic development community.

Notable attendees include:

  • Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve
  • Sparks Mayor Geno Martini
  • Nevada Governor's Office for Economic Development Deputy Director Mike Skaggs
  • ÍƼöÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ College of Business Dean Greg Mosier
  • President of Western Nevada Development District and Storey County Community Development Director Dean Haymore
  • Vice President of Western Nevada Development District and Sparks City Councilman Ed Lawson

Keynote speakers include:

  • Don Macke and Deborah Markley, co-founders of the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
  • Patrick McGaughey, a nationally known expert on win-win negotiations and building business-education partnerships
  • Jason Broadwater, author of six books and an expert on creative community development  

The conference will take place on campus in the Joe Crowley Student Union, Milt Glick Ballrooms. University faculty and students are encouraged to attend. There is a 50 percent discount for faculty and registration for students is free.

"Northern Nevada has seen a remarkable recovery since the darkest days of the recession," Dean Haymore, Board President of the Western Nevada Development Agency, said. "This conference is an opportunity to take a close look at our progress and, more important, to begin moving toward our next set of goals."  

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