Cooperative Extension offers workshops for small-acreage owners, ag producers

Agriculture Innovation Forum Series topics to include hoop houses, coping with drought and more

Cooperative Extension offers workshops for small-acreage owners, ag producers

Agriculture Innovation Forum Series topics to include hoop houses, coping with drought and more

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension will offer four free presentations, the last Tuesday of each month, February - May, on topics important to agricultural producers and small-acreage owners in northern Nevada.

"Especially during this drought, it's important to make sure that our small-acreage owners and ag producers have the most current, research-based information needed to maintain productive operations and optimize their land use," said Douglas County Extension Educator Steve Lewis, who has planned the Forum.

Lewis has held similar forums for the past several years, dubbing them the Agriculture Innovation Forum Series, planning presentations on the topics most relevant and important to local landowners and agricultural producers each year. This year's topics will include:

- Feb. 24: Getting the Most Out of Your Hoop House, presented by Mark O'Farrell, Hungry Mother Organics owner

- March 31: Agricultural Options for Small-acreage Landowners in Times of Drought, presented by Jay Davison, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension alternative crops and forage specialist

- April 28: Fruit Trees, presented by Wendy Hanson, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Master Gardener program coordinator

- May 26: Soil Health and Benefits of Compost, presented by Chris Savastio, Natural Resources Conservation Service soil scientist; and Craig Witt, Full Circle Compost owner

All presentations will be held 6 - 8 p.m., at CVIC Hall, 1604 Esmeralda Avenue in Minden. The presentations are free, and no registration is required. However, persons in need of special accommodations or assistance should call at least three days prior to the event they plan to attend. For more information, contact Lewis at lewisst@unce.unr.edu or 775-782-9960.

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